Monday, March 7, 2011

Invocation For Debutant

I have, alas, philosophy ...

minutes of a night-FAUST:

My written word, interspersed with comments.

19:08 clock - Ramona laughs. What a start ...
19:09 clock - First technical Fail, the remote control batteries vesagen again and I could not start the clock movie
19:13 - Start (endlich. ..)
19:20 clock - first compromise. Ramona: "So the first part I will look at each case, the second which I sleep." Since then should I be really made for long stretches at me.
19:34 clock - to what God and Mephistopheles bets actually, I have mine, still not a bet a bet?
19:50 clock - read along makes it possible. First error by Wagner!
19:50 clock - Mist who say hold fast, even the theatrical manager, ragout fist once, the word.
20:00 clock - error Faust, just before the end of his 7-page monologue.
time absent - Mephistopheles (Johann Adam Oest) plays the beggar, young Faust (Christian Nickel) the violin player, apparently there were 15 million are not saving enough for enough actor to be double cast ... 21:00
Clock - Time nothing happens ...
21:15 clock - Eritis sicut Deus, bonum et malum scient. What does that mean? Ah! The Google translator says, "You will be like God, knowing good and evil" Hmm, even makes sense.
22:18 clock - Nasty woman who, at the Mephistopheles (Here: Robert Hunger-Bühler) makes approached.
The scene "The neighbor's house" was generally, I will not say uncertain text, but here there was the most deviations from the original.

"Where does a little head sees no way out
He thinks before the end."
(nice, if just in between times is a quote without any context, but I found the set great, I will now probably bring more often!)

23:30 clock - both fists (Bruno Ganz and Christian Nickel)? Makes the "Walpurgis Night" really make sense? And if so, how?
Walpurgis Night dream? What is this now? Clock
0:08 - End of Part I, after almost exactly 5 hours!
coffee break.
0:20 Clock - Start Part II
shortly after 1:00 clock - "Spacious room. Funny stuff skip carnival. 13 pages omitted.
2:00 Clock - Half Time ...
2:30 clock - surrender. Demolition of "Classical Walpurgisnacht". But still not complete task. Pre jumps to 4 Nude "High Mountain" (CD number 3 skipped entirely)
3:37 clock - skipped 10 minutes of clapping.

"Gone! A stupid word."

clock 4:50 - End!

FAUST almost 10 hours to 5 hours to skip the bonus part, do not seen and I am only talking about me. Ramona has seen maybe 7 hours, and even to sleep 3 hours.
is so stupid, the word 'past' but then not. All day Sunday (even if I'm out of sheer sentiment jet lag, it would be Saturday) in unconscious thought Goet words. It was really bad, I could not think normally, always in these old, stilted sentences. My status message on Facebook after the action:

Stellet Considering the last days
cultural monotony
it is a question
what it was it then?

And that applies also quite appropriate . After FAUST I already twice I read three times and staged seen I know what to expect and what it was. Peter Stein production I've already seen on television a few years ago, were so high between some memories. The first part was simply staged and played really well, because you can not say anything. But the tragedy Second part (already seen on television at that time) is easy ... totally crazy! What happened there? What is this? Where suddenly come from the Emperor? Why Walpurgisnacht again? What do these three powers are those of the anti-emperor is defeated? What shall I say all this? Yes, the tragedy second part is weird. Nevertheless, I will read it now to an end (Ramona has indeed both parties bought and since with the first is not ready yet [I'm told they have to read him anymore, she has already seen him for five hours], it has given me a second to read), especially because the end but so beautiful and was really good (the Ramona, for example, not recovered).
am very end, during the final applause, there is again a scene that I found really nice. Robert Hunger-Bühler get a bouquet and give it a rose-Mephistopheles with his Johann Adam Oest. I found very sweet!

about the staging can be absolutely nothing bad to say. Peter Stein justified this mammoth production with the words "It is a masterpiece and a masterpiece not only can you look in parts. "and he is absolutely right. 15 hours but are awesome and normal people, the would never see the piece, but I found it has paid off completely. Also, maybe above all because of the actor. As you can remember only so much text? good which one has asked me to Nathan again and again, but what Bruno Ganz, but also Robert Hunger-Bühler, Johann Adam Oest, Christion nickel, actually everyone, including the emperor, Wagner, Gretchen, is real ... make the hammer.

great respect!

Oh, and one more can I say

"Here I stand, poor fool
and am wiser than I was before."

I now understand the final FAUST (at least the first part of the tragedy), so ...

Thursday, March 3, 2011

Wacht Free Operation Repo The Movie

are short, in long sentences

Where do I start?
Hm ... in reverse chronological order.

"Today is the greatest day I've ever known. Can not live for tomorrow, tomorrow's much too long."
Yes, I know it is the song about suicide, but in themselves these lines are very positive. And (perhaps it has come to you), English. And so it goes. For now, on this Thursday, 03/03/2011 I have my first (yes, really, I am sure again!) Written ONE (13 points!) In the last two years, written, or get out! And in English! PAH! Well, well, well, my little droogs. That's the second (very) good mark after the 12 points in maths to the perhaps I'll get a good mark in education and psychology, too. But actually I do not think so ...

from perfect English, we now come to a very large German, first of all I do now really official and cultural supports the school's own Poetry Slam mat, I can free myself from my French teacher, for she was of the opinion that such support something be. Secondly, I have
just me on the bed next to a (... four) DVD (s) are, with the imprint "directed by Peter Stein FAUST Johann Wolfgang Goethe". Yes, I have the mammoth production of Faust I and II, a total of 15 hours of pure playtime, all with Bruno as Faust and Robert Hunger-Bühler, Johann Adam Oest as Mephistopheles here!
with my irresistible charm of my, oh-so-beloved German teacher borrowed and made a weekend job of it! From Saturday afternoon through Sunday at some point be Ramona and I are (more or less) uninterrupted view FAUST.
goal of all this is not just cultural education but also an almost ironic combination of modern media and the cult classical German drama par excellence.
total of 814 minutes watching TV with bonus part "Faust" trial period ", coke, snacks, frozen pizza and
15 hours. I have this production but a few years ago once saw on the ZDFtheaterkanal and in the last week we looked at a few excerpts in German classes, but nevertheless (or perhaps precisely because of them) are simply not watch TV 15 hours ...
Maybe I run during which a video ... Book of Hours, or otherwise try to capture the human constant process of decay.

Last but not least, I would like to thank a little girl called Maria for a beautiful song: The Waltz

Oh, and I would think sometimes, oh so beloved German teacher ask where he has the DVD ago. So it really is that from the "ZDFtheaterkanal Edition ', because it may be that the two great plays" pornography "and" A Church of fear of the unknown in me, "finally ran the two sometimes even on TV indoors, either at 3Sat or when, oh so often mentioned ZDFtheaterkanal.