Thursday, August 5, 2010

Types Of Burs And Its Application

Open letter to all transport companies

Distinguished Service surreptitiously victims
with this letter I would like to confess my guilt. I
that crime, the accused have me committed. I have used you. I have ventured, with a clear mind, deliberately and repeatedly to use your public transport - Oh! - Abuse, without you to pay for the generous provision.
I dared actually buses, trains and even nationwide cross-national, inter-regional express trains circulating for my shameful desires to entzwecken.
And you, in your infinite kindness, but gave me the opportunity to apologize to you. As lots of expensive stationery you have wasted for me vile worm need. But I appeared closed and cold, bitter heart. Your agreement countless attempts I broke in the air, as if they were pesky, buzzing around my head shit house flies.
Worse, I committed another crime. I traveled constantly with your local transport and fell not only you but also the honest, paying passengers into financial shoals.
I alone am guilty. The annual fare increase is the fault of me and all the other Dienstleistungserschleichern. We alone are responsible. We are to blame for the poor content of the working end of bus drivers. Look at us. We do! The dog common scum of the universe! We are
Dienstleistungserschleicher, UBahnstationssraucher, tram beer drinkers, feet-on-the-chair-layers and mobile music listeners.
We are the ones that disturb the public peace. It is not the aggressive faces that remind one of the inspectors at each ticket control of how a jail cell looks like inside. It's not the lawyers who have made it their job to make poor people even poorer. It's not the looks of the better-off passengers who give you the feeling to be worth nothing if you show off instead of a ticket his ID. And above all it is you do not, you poor victims of my crime. You, who sits in the executive office of transportation and signed the ads to people for the 80 € a month, not be an option for ticket purchase, but a duty payment for the child that you have to raise alone.
I despise me for my act.
But please explain to me how far I pity you if I buy no ticket?
If the damage for you is not exactly equivalent to, if I walk? I pay one way or another would not. And your little game with the fear of even talking about me from time to time to purchase a ticket. Please
love, service surreptitiously victims. Decrypts me that question and I'm going my tickets if it absparen must be from the mouth. But you is not there as a victim if you are not. Their victims.