Saturday, March 18, 2006

Pearl Izumi Octane Spd

To one his friend is another enemy

The Hugetobler once said that one should not judge by the contents of a newspaper, but on the layout. Because the layout is what gumpt the reader as the first in the eye when he passes the kiosk. It is for a newspaper especially important to have a good layout. The rest can be ignored, as the reader assess the content can only take it after he read the magazine already and they do not return then, in the case that today's content should be bad.
The critics will say: If the output is not a newspaper the reader likes, he buys them anymore. But that can not so agree! For how is the reader can judge whether the output is the next day again be as bad or not? The content is that every day the same except for a few STA and Knorr ads. I therefore call, together with the association of the anonymous 20-minute readers that the 20-minute staff in the sausage salad is chosen. With their expertise they can bring back the gray on a green branch and give the sausage a little more spice.

In fact, it so - and this can not explain away - that sausage cases are on the increase. But even in such difficult times, we have no room for luxury solutions!

We must seize our destiny in the braid and make a difference!

Ladies and gentlemen, I call on the 20-minute readership to reconsider its readers inappropriate
technical strategies, his experiments, and its devastating umzukrämpeln ideologies completely. Forget the path of least resistance and of liberalism. Our responsibility is to ensure that any possible new entrants can be reported that newspapers are not like this just to get this point and that the people who have fallen into the swamp reader is helped to bounce back from this. All this, however, on the wrong track by liberalism nothing hat! For this, ladies and gentlemen, offers commuters blog of the hand. You have to do is reach for it.

prof. dr. by and with flashlight

Thursday, March 16, 2006

Death Anniversary Dnner Invitation

Delayed dog Basil etc Watch Blog

A particularly clever little fellow has now found out that he can easily delete all the entries and even change the password. Sure. Open login = open Access.

so unfortunately the contributions of the last 5 days are lost forever. The others could be restored.

All authors who post here what are asked to save their texts and locally to produce them in the event of a renewed deletion again.

All kidding biscuits which sometimes do not delete anything, may also continue to log and then delete the posts. Yes that's fun.

How Do You Adjust The Cliff Keen Headgear

commuter blog rocks! Just as necessary

En beautiful Aff s password schtelle go public ...
Sovill to the IQ of 20min sympathizers.

Saturday, March 11, 2006

Amount Of Tylenol To Kill

thank god there, the commuter blog.

(The comments of this post were a Vandalabalen deleted)

Friday, March 10, 2006

Dance Attire Of African

The new blog is not a big football

First of Hi

I stand here now as Kevin before, which I can hopefully take a bit of anonymity and am sympathetic represents a commuter blog "hater".

Did not think my comment put so much in motion can. Despite all, an almost beautiful "retaliation" on my post. But hats off, this new video shows understanding for other opinions.

So, now let's assume the answer to my post of yesterday into the limelight:

> ridiculous! certainly is a free newspaper! what do you expect eigenlich?

question: Can a newspaper his shit just because it is free? or they do not even have to deal more carefully with the responsibility, because they potentially by more people, especially children, can be read?

> My opinion is clearly no. The reasons: first
20 minutes is really just a piece of shit? Sure, I enjoy it with caution, but it also takes work every day on my way to work in entertainment. I like to read "bump" and solve the crossword puzzle. I also find the contributions of the 20 minutes editing not shit much. If you read this with a little common sense and general understanding of the world, and can understand images (yes, the hidden messages in images, eg a report on drinks and a picture with nothing but Coca-Cola bottles can ring the warning bells ...) we are also informed. And the weather forecast is surely not invent freely. Just as a landslide or a broken power line. Whether this is a horror accident then, is not commented, but please, how can we interfere in something so strong? Informs you when you arrive is still in office.
second Should be clear so often read newspaper carefully handle the responsibility. But altogether for a newspaper without a subscription revenue, it is certainly much more difficult to achieve a certain level and keep missing simply because the means. It leads logically to quality degradation.
third Children surely have access to the daily in the mailbox of his parents' house lying newspaper ...

Thank you for your attention and lift up goodness!


(The comments of this post was deleted by a vandal)

Cream Tartat Orange Juice

strained dog Basil today the stereotype of the stupid, the verbal expression is not powerful footballer by the grammatically incorrect interview statements by the FCB coach Christian Gross to the back to the fact that this football player should be. What a crap. Link .

Thursday, March 9, 2006

Tater Tot Cheese Soup

pick on 20 minutes

Why hack around all of 20 minutes? the other newspapers are no better. bla bla

(The Kommentaros of this post were deleted from a Vandalabimbalen)

How To Find Horizonal Shift

subjective righteousness, why I hate

I submit myself to the personal Subjektivisismus.

The Commuter blog in itself is somewhat disrespectful. I can understand their resentment against the largest free daily. I read the NZZ.

The authorization of the commuter blog is legitimate to turn to really populist mass leaves, such as "dog Basil underaged readers Watch blog." The Pendlerblog complains rightly also know that 20 minutes should offer him a look-subscription so they could escape from their focus. Rather than tune the bittersweet lament, It would be good demand, and a subscription of "Dog Watch Blog Basik under-age readers.

I personally find the commuter blog is a beautiful thing, beautiful and is modeled on the legendary But the occasional complacency of the reader and his babes barking dogs following I would like to rank as-a-secular-Intellektuieren. It must be! In the search for meaning and justification to provide the massage culture (20min) to excellent, build his own Legikremation. And prime be fun on a daily basis is a 20min, but pretty cool?

A Chäsblättli like 20min truly deserves such critics. The relationship 20min characterized by mistrust and readers is because readers are critical, since it is obviously a free toilet paper. Rather, one should focus on true opinion-paid leaves, rather than wasting energy on a format that is formulated automatically by the reader in itself critical.

(The comments of this post have been cleared of twenty-three vandals)

How To Get The Peace Signon Your Computer

Long live the grassroots democracy

Wonderful, finally, it is an open blog that does not care about comments. This reminds me of old times outright in Zurich, so around 1968 - 1972. Now it only needs a small (student) Council, an underground Postillie, at the verkifften Parties will be circulated. In a pinch, but can also be taken 20min. This would let 20min to get a whole new meaning. For now let's set up on here. Who knows what happens in a grass-roots past.


PS: So, forget comments - write Beiraege! Drinking beer and entledit you about the Chäsblettli.

day (s)

(The comments of this post have been cleared of a dirty dozen vandals)

When Does Coca Cola Send W2s


In many angry commuters blog comment writer wrote that they are dissatisfied with the one-sided reporting Basil and the dog underage readers. Therefore we have created this blog to live. Everyone, who feels unfairly treated by the Pendlerblog may let go of his frustration here, and the anonymous yet to come!

work's as easy as logging in
Username: Commuters blog haters
Password: 20minutes
Then click on "new post" and you can go your whole frustration.