Wednesday, September 20, 2006

Late Period Red Mucus

official resignation

5th Genesis 13.5: The Lord your God, you shall follow, and him shall ye fear. His commandments shall ye keep and obey his voice, him you shall serve him and attach.

I had on 19 September 2006, after much back and forth of the community decided to consider Jesus Freaks Cologne to turn his back. On the reasons I will not go into more detail from the interested parties.
To clarify one thing: I put no value on more holiness to gain if this happens at the expense of charity. I stretch out for God and wants to be near him and I think that I am currently in a phase where I hear God very well and get along very well with him. I can not refrain from thanking the people my advice to give my life that I have done almost nothing anyway.
I will invest my energy from now on in the Teaparty and especially in Rap4Jesus ( ).
God told me cases, your decision and I have taken. Shortly thereafter, God confirmed to me my behavior with ner thick portion blessing. I will hear from now on only on God and not to over-clever Froki Christians.

Wednesday, September 13, 2006

Best Way To Record An Emulator

What every man longs ...

first John 4:8: Who does not love does not know God, because God is love.

What happens if you turn this sentence logically. A statement that many Christians shake to its foundations: Who loves, has recognized God, because God is love.

I look around me in this world. Wherever I watch I see cold, sorrow, pain and hatred - to himself or to others. This cold which prevails among the people tearing down destroyed every spark of love, any approach to the wall between people.
The feeling of being accepted being, respect and love one another is scarce. But still every man really craves it. In so many songs in the world, this desire is sung. Claus von mastermind sings about a past love:
I have not moved
then you have my head in your hand down
you said it is high time you had me
soon freed from my guilt

And I realize more and more Christians in an increasingly cold, a unforgiveness, and even hatred. And I exclude myself will not. I notice in myself how quickly I start to condemn other people. But I know it and do not think it right, good and acceptable. Bible verse of the authorities is, if I understood him correctly, a heavy sentence for the majority of Christendom. Who does not love does not know God. And who loves God has detected? Should a Christian whose heart is really on fire for Jesus, then moving up too the people have seen God move? People ? Love
I have often met people managed to find a greater love for me than many a "Christian" every Sunday to church runs and has no sex before marriage.
Yes, as I have written I do not think this is one hundred percent love here on earth. Only God can my last longing. But even God had said immediately after creation, it is not good that man should be alone.
God created the human heart so that the last desire can be satisfied only by him, but his heart is huge. There are areas that God will not fill because it has created for men. People see the one's you loved, accepted and wanted. I am loved by God, accepted and wanted, I think, finally has made me and brought into this world. If a Genung but the people tell you shit, bad, wrong or sick then it starts after calming the time to believe in themselves and any contact with God will be spilled. Small children cry when they are abandoned by their parents for longer. A child never learns physical affection from their parents will either die or be apathetic later. It also looks something like you get older then it is only the unfulfilled longing for love but not with isolation of drugs, addictions, aggression, self-hatred or Hass tries to nurse.
I believe that is the Satanist of his next helping of the shit and not selfish thinking more conceived of God as many a great Christmas, the escapes of his neighbor, and shows him the cold shoulder.
the conclusion I would like to put inside another passage in the Bible about a God-willed fasting. A passage to me for some time more and more excited Isaiah 58, 5 - 10: Is

5, a fast that I choose, something like this: a day on which humiliates the man himself? Bow his head like a bulrush, and to embed in sackcloth and ashes? Do you call this a fast and pleasing to the Lord day? 6 Is not this rather the fast that the I have chosen: to solve the unjust fetters, to open the knot of the yoke, to dismiss violent treated as free and that you break up every yoke? 7, it is not to break your bread to the hungry and homeless wretch that you are leading into the house? If you see a Nackten8 that you cover him, and that you do not deprive your Nächsten9? 8 Then your light will break forth like the dawn, and your healing will quickly sprout. Your righteousness shall go before you, the glory of the Lord will be your rear guard. 9 Then you will call, and the Lord will answer. You'll scream for help, and he will say: Here I am! If you are from your midst fortschaffst the yoke that Fingerausstrecken and bad speeches satisfiest 10 and if you proffering the hungry and bent soul, then your light will rise in darkness and your gloom will become like the noonday.

loving greetings

your Micha