Wednesday, November 8, 2006

Sympathy For A Dog Sayings

age, have you seen ...?

Hello dear blog readers!

then this is the first time that I write about a political rather than a theological issue. While I think that this can not be separated from each other but with this post I can possibly appeal to people that God does not have as much in his hat. And although it's about ne thing that haunted me for quite some time: The classification of people into beautiful and ugly also called lookism.
We know this: we go through the town with friends and sooner or later, you see homeless people or people NEN the not quite fit into the cityscape. Direct, whispering: "Dude, did you see the look Look like?"
Other situation: You write letters of application. What may be missing in no case? The application photo of course. From the beginning, people will not visually match sorted out in the profession. Man leaves his job professionally, of course, make photos with the photographer. Some photos are shot, and it is selected when you look at the "best" on it. I know it by myself I'm looking for photographers appointments usually better to dress up as for the actual interview. The 1 Impressions count is then said. Such statements are becoming increasingly we are in a Society to live in the surface (the first glance) seem more important than what's really in man's inside. An application photo suddenly says more about the people than one would like. And in school you learn the job for you is to take photos please do not leave pictures or similar images. But why? This picture shows at least a little bit taken on the personality of man as a neutral, clinically clean image in a stuffy room photographer. Why no photos rather than apply themselves painted portraits are required of one. These say many times longer than humans. And so on. Discrimination against people not of the beauty standards of society match begins in kindergarten to children from families where the money for good clothes often by other children are excluded and bullied. And the latest at the secondary school it is important that you read the clothing and the wearing of the mark because otherwise you're not cool. The worst form of discrimination, however, children learn through the so-called "disability" by nature do not meet the beauty standard, for example, children with "jug ears" or a "harelip." Even girls with short hair and boys with more tight clothes are often treated like lepers by their surroundings. It is very sad but unfortunately it is. The only thing you can do is a clear signal to lookism and all other forms of discrimination share and speak out against it.
more information on and / antilookism


your Micha

Intitle Jpeg Tattoo Design

Grapes of Wrath

you ever noticed lately my posts are relatively unimportant. I've somehow not so much to write. The Christians among you can even pray for me that I get new ideas, the others are my fingers crossed ^ ^

The reason why I am writing this time is an insanely great band which I recently sent an internet friend (in this case many Greetings to Daniel from Bavaria ^ ^) Grapes of Wrath please go to their site and invite you down the album or buy it you may also have to support in any case. Very extreme are the songs: "Burn," "Deep in the neck," "Love Song", "children's song," "She did not break something," "The heart is a muscle the size of a fist" and "Your house without doors ".
particularly the last, "to the neck" go especially under the skin. In the song "Your House Without Doors" is about a man who was raped and the thought of this afterwards. Very stark. "Deep in the neck," I do not wholly far but I know it's a mental hospital inmates, the suicide thoughts. Very crass songs, very deep, very philosophical yet as almost any thinking person can connect with them. The music fluctuates between folk, punk, singer-songwriter stuff, and elements of poetry slam. Really very cool. Greeting

much fun with the album


PS for all guitarists and piano players, etc, the chords are available for download but that is hardly used which is at 95% of the songs, the chords C, Em, G , D and / or at reduced

Thursday, November 2, 2006

Why Does My Mouth Taste Like Shit?

a sign of life ...

Hello avid blog readers!

unfortunately I can not bless you with a truly official resignation. I had an e-mail to the direction of Jesus Freaks Cologne written but it has unfortunately not reported to me on it. Well I'll write more about anything here unless it is done in agreement with the two pastors.

Now to my actual post!

I've already written a very long any more what is partly because I have much to do.

gebs Ok I'm just too lazy to write a bit lately: D so it nene ne combination of both. I organize at the moment very much. As many of you I'm so to speak, the founder of a Christian hip-hop network called Rap-4-Jesus ( ). As I recently learned we are also the largest Christian Hip-Hop forum in German-speaking. Ok, the number of those is quite small but still. We have recently our 100th User welcome and it is growing. Unfortunately, not all particularly active but still: We have every day some hands full keeping up with new postings and the active members are also trust. This is very, very good.
organ isere Well I sure you ask. I organize concerts. I would refer to the page here again on my very great MySpace account where you can listen again and again even the more recent pieces of mine: / gebull
Yes I organize concerts and it works quite well. The next (and first to speak to me of organized) concert will be held in Karlsruhe in Radio Oriente. at 9.12. I leave it there properly with my crew Foxes Lair and other Rapcrews crash. Come out numerous. A flyer is also posted here shortly.
jaaaaaaaa .... she notes already so I'm not addicted to write today. I will in the next few days, possibly again NEN "theological" text or views nen "political" text to write to the intellectually interested blog readers have to browse through and again what.
I wish you beautiful day!

your Micha