Sunday, July 26, 2009

Pinewood Derbystar Wars

What Carsten thinks (26)

a beautiful Good morning!

After the last post dates back to last Wednesday, I owe a small contribution. Finally, the three-day limit is already exceeded, and with every glance in the blog that promises no new post, grows uncomfortable.

need for unpleasant feelings when I start this Sunday morning. I still feel slight effects of the previous day, which proves to me that it would have been better, but before the football tournament of the Virage Est still insert some training sessions. From a sporting This regard, I am more than satisfied. The lighthouse editorial took in the splendid name of "Lighthouse United" in this tournament, which is in its fourth edition already become fixtures on the summer break, and resigned in the end a bit unlucky in the first round. With only four editors were there but we also rely on the help of guest players how to be fair to admit. The rest of our players stepped up to the lighthouse dress, its history at this site should be treated once briefly.

Looking for a very cheap rate jersey rattled Bobb and I Saarbrücken from downtown, until we had a show and a well-known textile discounters find one. The next problem arose then the label of shirts, because it would be pretty unimaginative to compete with solid-color jersey. And dark blue is different playing football not so much of black, as some players could find after a bad pass already. In the end, they resorted to white textile paint and Bobbes showed his talent as a designer shirt by the T-shirts with simple numbers back and decorated the word "lighthouse" on the chest. The result was to be seen.

what the tournament was also quite nice, was the participation of teams from Nancy and Dusseldorf. In the latter, then at some point we have noted with surprise that editors of the Düsseldorf fanzine "The Castle Tower " the way to the Saar had found. These were given with at some point that our editorial team took part in the tournament and said the contact was quite by chance reached by us suddenly stopped with two editions of the tower's nose. We thanked for the attention they talked about their own experiences sheets that go back several years at the Düsseldorf and exchanged views about it. One nice thing!

And that would at least explain why here to read in the last few days was so little. I could write about the sales figures for the Schalke game next week, but honestly I am not the "numbers man" (D. Weller), the burning would be interested. I am also quite pleased to have this game well in contrast to the test kick against Bayern Anno 2007 will not be likely sold out. The organization of this game back then was more of a letdown. Of course, I could
speculate about whether insurance marina will fit ever again, as is done for several days in the fan forums. But this material has already accepted the BILD-Zeitung yesterday and as I have yesterday's game against Grevenmacher (3-0) does not visit, there is little that I could talk about.

I'll close the post So the only issue, which at today's 26th with July incident and could be connected to the FCS:

Congratulations Felix Magath !

I leave it up to me and I promise next time again (better) issues.



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