Wednesday, August 19, 2009

How To Get Rid Of My 10 Month Old Phlegm

thankless job for nearly four years

If tomorrow, as expected, the conviction of four former police be like, so the events under the 6th November 2005 so that after long years of waiting, a line was drawn. At that time the club experienced one of the darkest chapters in terms of communication between club officials and ordinary fans.

On that day I was sitting at the beginning of the game Vortribüne the back straight. Unlike the previous games I was not in the E-block, which was only recently become known as the "Virage Est. This was partly due to the disappointment of the sporting decline, the hasty sacking of Horst Ehrmantraut, but especially on this day also because I wanted to watch the match with my parents. So it happened that this time I had to look on the seats, like a desolate demonstration of FCS had been clarified, Rostock.
I was surprised even from game to start on that from the E-block either acoustically or visually could hear a sign of life, but pushed to a possible Protest, as he was already visible in a 1-1 draw against Burghausen. Also, I pushed it to the general discontent that caused the threat of defeat by Hansa-kicker, as crowds of people during the first half, the D-block left.
After the end of the first round but I wanted to know more about what was going on, and left the gallery, to see just the E-block. When I arrived, fans were already a variety of D-and E-block gathered at the Albert Hall, the reported stunned by what had happened before the match in the Virage Est. Any agreed critical poster with the words "against the mercenaries Pack" should be removed at the behest of the club, then folder went with extreme brutality going on fans who had shown no violence. Critical, mature fans were attacked with sticks and fists of folders.

What followed in the second half are good scenes that I will not forget in my life. Fans of different walks of united in a spontaneous demonstration, which led first to the F-block. There, the security staff now had the situation of trying to solve a very peculiar way: was imprisoned for visitors to the F-block. This strange-looking image provoked some viewers even greater resentment, because they are now climbing over the fence into the open and spontaneous demonstration joined. I discovered from time to time, always in the middle of the row civilian police officers. Nevertheless, the situation seemed firmly in the hands of FCS fans who went with songs and occasional Bengalos from outside of the stadium's attention. Someday, when I stood at the fence of the A-block, the first goal fell by Yilmaz Örtülü what the amount, as well as myself, had felt cold.
In the A block should be in at the spontaneous demonstration at the end of the game in order despite the attempt of censorship at the end of the planned poster Pack mercenaries but still presenting a poster used as a bonus it even more drastic words. It seems almost strange in the end that even visitors with fans from Rostock Saarbrücken solidarity and the demonstrators sang together far after the game. What followed were

fan meeting without a club official, a fairly extensive media coverage for a Fanthema, excuses and justifications of the club head, a further demonstration and ultimately relegation. Also startling posters and the general wave of protests could not prevent this.

The long rat tail, moved to Rostock seems that tomorrow's verdict will find an end to continue, even if the consequences. For future generations of club officials, this can only be a warning example, that freedom of expression constitutes an important asset and it is precisely the criticism of the fan base should be taken seriously, even if they are rarely comfortable. Words have always found their way, no matter how many stick to them wanted to throw between the legs.

Related links:

- FCS folder corporal confessed (
- DDR-Revival-Party in the Park! ( blog)


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