Wednesday, August 5, 2009

Polaroid Onestep Fp-100c

An anthem for the FCS

A fan meeting of the 1st FC Saarbrücken usually means a lively question and answer session, the duration of burners like the new stadium or the color blindness in the selection of annual goalkeeper and away jerseys, but there are also new things like an Internet television over the club announced. One of these new ideas that were presented at the meeting worthwhile, nutritional labeling analysis. could announce the project, the stadium announcer Frank Sokolov, yet it reveals little concrete, but can already tell you that one of another piece of music will be adopted in honor of the association.

A is anthem for the FCS, this is what is missing, according to Sokolov still a piece of music in which the scarves and the lighters " go into the air and what a "goose bumps" caused by those attending.
far, so great is the freedom that should have the fans on this matter, for this hymn, the SR 1 and our thing in the name of the 1st FC Saarbrücken will find to be searched in collaboration with those who ultimately stand in the stadium week after week. In the e-mail address encourage interested FCS supporters accompany the creative process and influence and involvement of so the final result. It was still not clear when the completion of construction is what musical style you adopt, and which band is the task will be assigned to record the song in the studio.

The whole presents himself to be honorable. After the fans have had little say and delivered should bands like Schaafa Sämpf or The syndicate more mood songs for the weekly stadium visit as hymns, it is now consistently a different way, if you search a song with a completely different character.

Back to the fan meeting, because there was already the first, however, also called the central criticism of this model test: what will become of the old club song?
Frank Auer Falk answered the criticism with the fact that they wanted to push but not this traditional piece, in which also participated Dieter Thomas Heck, from the Ludwig Park, However, this song lacks the hymn-like character.

And that's true even almost.

For the real problem of the official club song " FF-FCS " is not about the schlager-like sound, it is the general use of the stadium visitors with the traditional songs of the association. Parallel to the discussion atmosphere, long before the schism in block D-Block and Virage Est already had to content, that young people in the curve too rarely take the initiative. This can be seen from the fact that when playing the club song in the little Fanblöcken, let alone the neutral blocks, hardly anyone the lines "We are available from the FCS / / Blue-Black Dress our ..." mitträgt. Whether it is a lack of Text note or whether it is the people are embarrassed to sing (and that would indeed be very embarrassing) one can say that severely. But the fact is that in Ludwig Park on the location where sung at other stages of the Republic with pride and awe, the mass was silent.

slightly different things with the empties Evergreen "We'll be back" that owns, in fact, this ballad-like quality character which, according to Sokolov makes a hymn. But actually he is not innocent because the younger fans that this song is almost unknown. For years they waited in vain that this song, which like no other the spirit of the 1 FC Saarbrücken and its fans has been captured and easily timeless, in the radio program of the stadium showed up. It was rather painful to bragging lyrics like "In the 2nd German League Champions" and caused quite the taste for Fannachwuchs either errors or the knee-jerk rejection of all Fansongversuche.

The model of the stadium project in cooperation with radio SR 1 and our conditions can only help the fans tolerate too well. In this case you should still make sure that you are waiting not only to feedback by e-mail, but also target the fans in the stadium and responds to them on the spot gives opportunities to participate in the determination of an anthem. This should be organized or unorganized supporters conceded in the same way, and finally to democratic Principles to be approved.
is completed until the whole thing, we could devote the existing things.

And do not forget to learn the text!


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