Tuesday, September 15, 2009

Bfp Digital Clear Blue

everything under control

Mannheim 2

A barrier, two dozen police officers in combat gear and a crowd gathered in front of the north exit of the Saarbrücken main station. Among them I find myself and then I tied a blue-black scarf, certainly there is a possibility that I have emphasized them pyrotechnics, in any event will also I later confronted with the question.

The crowd is making slow progress and is meant to have missed the train, when a large Fans of the ultra-oriented turns. Under the eyes baffled police forces is decided to be the body search before entering the station and to spare to go by car. Reliance on the train to my three passengers and I let us examine. On the platform there
chaos, ticket inspectors are facing each Zugeinang, do it but not all fans to check their tickets. With a few minutes late, the train rolls going. The alcohol is flowing, some people are caught smoking in the toilet and considered by a fine. It has the atmosphere of a school trip under constant police escort.

After a stop in addition Homburg to get to one and a half hours drive from the Mannheim Central Station to. The camera of the police is directed to the disembarking hordes. Abound, everywhere there is green, not a wide gap of free space seems to be found in many police officials who pulls out already at the station some people. As a young fan is pulled out, ask the passengers to provide information. The answer no longer repellent and taciturn, one should always only go on.
The walk begins. Again and again I have my passengers looking at the crowd, people watching the big FCS train with green borders from their balconies, some take photographs. Sometime called the mass "pee break" and with visible reluctance, the police admit that dozens of fans on the roadside empty their bladder. Then it goes on.

Mannheim 3

an hour it takes to long we been at the Carl-Benz-Stadion. Many rush to the ticket booth, while others move on to the inlet to be there for the second time that day to have thoroughly checking. And then you're only in the stadium. They will continue filmed, either by police or by the Saarland Radio, which rotates a documentary about the Fan Project.

enter the clock at two players to the court, the stadium yells, the home block presents a complex choreography that was booed by the away section. At least from parts of the block, all others are wondering about Catcalls. Finally, know the choreography to convince.

The game begins under the leadership of the Bundesliga referee Peter Sippel, before whose eyes the FCS already attacked and insolent airs. Mannheim maintains, however, initial pleasantries are exchanged among the players.

Shortly after the game appears to recede into the background: the people who have been booed, Mannheimer choreography, complain loudly now a larger flag on the block, which restricts their vision. Going to the offer in the adjacent office block, in the first half received few, but some prefer to stay in order not to complain further. Until then, offers the greatest Opportunity for Petry, whose header against the bar is directed. It's scoreless at the break.

makes After the break the more impressive FCS, Mannheim seems to make no defense can be. Parallels to many previous FCS performances begin to condense to an opportunity is set to chance in the sand. Grgic shoots detached from Kevin Knoedler Elversberg directly to the former goalkeeper, Marc Lerandy sets the ball with eingesprungener volley wide of goal. Time passes, the FCS to lose control of the game. In the guest block is the tense situation back when some of the goalkeeper from Waldhof attack with jungle noises, and the lower part of the block sending you accosted against the very Rufer.

Mannheim 4

In the 86th Grgic minute down in the penalty area. Sippel whistles, points to the point. The world stands still.

Within four minutes to win the game of the FCS. Only Manuel Zeitz transformed untenable, then replaced Mannheim Benincasa a red card for Nachtretens and substitute Lukas Kohler highlighted in the final minute made it 2-0. The Derby is held score block has been brought under control and celebrates the Humba with the team.

the rear of the Tribune one is still being held. At some point they will let out, this time there is no march through the city of Mannheim, as it related to the tram station is returned. On the way to let the car bounce FCS fans what animates even join one of the drivers for, it will alert against Waldhof fans, Adler Mannheim-FCS fans and fans who are believed to Mannheim, gepöbelt. Whether this is the victory or the alcohol, it can be seen only with difficulty.

is the station that games are more boarded up all the fans back into the train. This time the travel takes place without a search, but again with a police escort. The day ends controlled, in contrast to the late game of the FCS.


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