Tuesday, November 17, 2009

How To Make Cube Runner Level Packs

music for eternity

How many of you know, I am working for a long time with music, especially rap, but I have to listen to many other styles of music, be it punk rock, indie pop, drum'n'bass and many other things.
music with me actually my whole Life. My parents placed great value on music education, so I am come early to enjoy music lessons and choir rehearsals.
some point when I was about twelve or thirteen years old, I first came into contact with hip-hop culture and found in this way a way to keep my feelings in poetry and spread.
is in music something that can cause the strongest feelings in people. Music can make people cry or laugh, or disengagement to come down. Music can convey deepest love but also hatred and destructive, in the view of mainstream pop culture, as calculated ignorance and numbness.
Almost all people can be inspired for one or more of music and listen to people who do not play music, often seem strange and not quite of this world. You can
's musical taste, to some degree, recognize character traits and many people look to their own friends specifically for the music taste, are part of a (sub) culture.
music is in my opinion the best way to express myself. Each callous description gets a rhyme and a set including an unexpected chord depth, can express more than any book. In addition to creating music with something that is unique, which has previously made no other.
Man Although used things such as language or harmonies that have been used before, but never exactly the same. Because of this, also covers, or even copy something unique, even if the musician is not aware of.
I personally think that is a part of what is referred to in Matthew 6.20 as a treasure in heaven: music is immortal insofar as it triggers feelings in people who do not evaporate easily. Many couples have a common song that symbolizes their love for each other, and just as many people have songs that have accompanied them in a certain moment of life. Music can motivate many things. Adjust to change his life, refocus, songs can People feel in the praise. For that reason alone I see something in music has the potential to last forever music for eternity.
I can only encourage everyone to be active musically in some way. I have definitely found my way to meet God.

your Gebull from the far Stuttgart

Sunday, September 20, 2009

Kd Rockstar Wheels Chevy

FCS against Bochum II or the last report in FCSBlog

Saturday, shortly after 13 clock time. The gates are open, before I show my card and go past the folders. One called me back shortly, checked my camera bag and can then move on me. As so often I am in the Louis Park and the feeling of boredom takes over. The FCS is playing today against VfL Bochum II, the gray the gray mice.

After the usual small talk in the block, reading some leaflets and the consumption of a swivel is excellent this time it for me down in the corner. At that encounter, not many FCS fans have gathered. Perhaps this is the rain that does not materialize. Most viewers draw first from her jacket, as The club anthem being played, it's too hot for them.

The game begins under the leadership of Markus Schmidt, the same permit in the beginning many battles and the game rarely interrupts. So too in the 13th Minute clashes as a guest player Kevin Vogt at the center circle with Nico white man. Vogt needs to be replaced, later the ambulance rolls over the track.
Shortly afterwards Nico Zimmermann with a shot the first real scoring chance for the FCS, which produces in the end, however, no more than an uncertainty score keeper Luthe. After this action, Michael Petry come to another high-profile opportunity: a cross-Zeitz he beheads directly at the goalkeeper. Not just unlucky in the final FCS seems to plague a second time, this action is Petry violated the bargain and will not be replaced before half-time for Gregory straw man.
takes a corner kick in the 23rd Minutes saved the blue-black. Marcus beheads man too weak on goal, stopping the ball from Petry for Lerandy who strikes from Bochum confusion capital and the ball hammers into the net - 1-0 to the FCS! There

Bochumii09 005

more occasions, in a still quite respectable first-half free-kick for Nico Zimmermann and Velimir Grgic for good production of straw man.

At half-time I decide then to the scene change. Short time go to the A-block to visit another colleague on the terrain of the FCS blogosphere who finished his A- Blogg has been recently. From the short visit at the end is almost a full half.

flattened after the break, the game rapidly. Opportunities of the FCS receives almost exclusively on set plays, the guests from Bochum struggling with their own goal panic on foreign terrain. Dieter also takes out Nico white man who plowed while before, and struggled, but this is completely beside him and no creativity is based in Mannheim. Nevertheless, the change acknowledged by many with whistles, even in the A-block. listen with pleasure Scop from the A-bloggers and I call the angry and screaming heads of families, some of the steps we complain about that Grgic was an "absolute Nixkönner" which would also have to "mol rausnemme. The children understand the displeasure after a few minutes and join in the chorus. One might think that the FCS was losing the lead and not just against the runners.

Bochumii09 011

A carpenter-kick feature is the additional time of danger, but the game starts to rotate. More and more, the Freiburg loan must be for the gate, Michael Muller, turn on the game. With a sliding tackle, it separates a clean Bochum attacker from the ball, the defense clears the situation. In the last Müller minutes must save again, but then the victory in the bag - the FCS to win 1-0.

Bochumii09 017

At this time I am back in E-block and celebrate with my friends and acquaintances about this victory. Personally, I do not think though the fact that the FCS can rise this season, but just the fact that at some point in the year 2006 when this blog was created, a club that plays with 1860 Munich, MSV Duisburg, SC Freiburg and other measure in the second division, had to make the will in itself not wrong. The FCS will live long enough, if it continues to accompany his fans.

Friday, September 18, 2009

How Can I Watch Southpark On My Phone

Instead of a preliminary

On This spot is usually a preliminary report by Friday evening with information about the upcoming opponent, small digressions and anecdotes, enriched with some references to other pages. But not today.

few months ago I had already announced that I would finish work on the FCSBlog, without naming a specific date. That time has come, I will stop my work in this blog after this weekend. This means that here after the first game of the lot FC Saarbruecken - VfL Bochum II for the time being no further reports, thoughts, scraps, videos and other content will appear more. I wanted to let the reasons for my decision in detail and open Who claim also to prevent the votes that will claim the decision was hasty and wrong.

When I opened in 2006, this blog, I called it a temporary measure. That was already starting the first lie of FCSBlogs, somehow I knew I would still write years later contributions. It was a time in which it steadily went downhill with the FCS, by variety for freedom of expression and the association was appointed rather poor. And so it was very long and I would be very lean out the window when I write now that conditions today are completely different, even if a lot has changed for the better.

The blog was as a platform has always been an expression Critical thoughts on the club, the performance of players, coaches, managers, but also often a criticism of the sports press around the club, partly to viewers. Especially in football, it is difficult to maintain the distance to a topic, especially if one fan and sympathy for. I would usually be objective and if I was not even, then I decided to at least always have a foundation on which I can base my opinion. And that's why I'm still with everything said and written in the blog. And frustration or resignation are neither present nor the reasons why I stop.

We all evolve, we all go further in life. Even if the "chatter hee" in blog sometimes precocious came along, so I was on top of the posts, only 16 years old, now I'm 20th At that time, we students had much free time, it was endless hours of 1 FC Saarbrücken, probably the best club dedicated to the world.
Today is not so simple. I'm in the middle as the preparations for my study time, shortly before For me, moving to another city. Some readers may already have noticed this week that I have come rarely for blogging, the latest report is from last week and is a retrospective on the game at Waldhof Mannheim. This was simply the lack of time, I will do in future time or often. Too often, than that I blog about my own satisfaction could continue.

Very often I have blogged for myself. To let off steam, to play with the words to the FCS record for eternity. Often I have been annoyed easily, that contributions to me were very important, as some approaches to the mood you or misguided union policy of readers consumed without comment, and little attention has been paid, while thought the videos from the start as additional playing without significant added value were torn apart in the air or ready to celebrate. The can is perhaps the only criticism that I bring to a conclusion. How could I have been looking forward to some more posts about participation, I simply say again that the FCS continues to need the support not only in the stadium, but also participation in the association, whether through the press, fan work or general meetings. Lack of participation, it was, the club finally dropped this low. It would have been able to catch it before.

I would like to thank all our loyal readers and those who have contributed a guest article for the blog (thanks to Jens and the Bobbes!). I thank you especially for those who have donated not just praise but also criticism for the blog. The criticism has spurred me to go on, it was irrelevant and coarse, inspired me to do better, it was objective and apt. I thank my parents and all friends and acquaintances who have supported my FCS madness in the past and continue to support, or even share it. And finally, I thank the lighthouse editors that they exist and will continue to exist. There I will continue my work, even though I know now that this is in itself difficult enough (at this point to note that this blog I never brought money, but has in fact cost money. The situation is similar with the Lighthouse).

Saturday or Sunday will appear here so the last post. For the time being, because as a wise man with glasses said: "I know you can You do not have. "For the coming period, how long they may be, I must let it be. But one should never say never ;-)

See you there!


Tuesday, September 15, 2009

Bfp Digital Clear Blue

everything under control

Mannheim 2

A barrier, two dozen police officers in combat gear and a crowd gathered in front of the north exit of the Saarbrücken main station. Among them I find myself and then I tied a blue-black scarf, certainly there is a possibility that I have emphasized them pyrotechnics, in any event will also I later confronted with the question.

The crowd is making slow progress and is meant to have missed the train, when a large Fans of the ultra-oriented turns. Under the eyes baffled police forces is decided to be the body search before entering the station and to spare to go by car. Reliance on the train to my three passengers and I let us examine. On the platform there
chaos, ticket inspectors are facing each Zugeinang, do it but not all fans to check their tickets. With a few minutes late, the train rolls going. The alcohol is flowing, some people are caught smoking in the toilet and considered by a fine. It has the atmosphere of a school trip under constant police escort.

After a stop in addition Homburg to get to one and a half hours drive from the Mannheim Central Station to. The camera of the police is directed to the disembarking hordes. Abound, everywhere there is green, not a wide gap of free space seems to be found in many police officials who pulls out already at the station some people. As a young fan is pulled out, ask the passengers to provide information. The answer no longer repellent and taciturn, one should always only go on.
The walk begins. Again and again I have my passengers looking at the crowd, people watching the big FCS train with green borders from their balconies, some take photographs. Sometime called the mass "pee break" and with visible reluctance, the police admit that dozens of fans on the roadside empty their bladder. Then it goes on.

Mannheim 3

an hour it takes to long we been at the Carl-Benz-Stadion. Many rush to the ticket booth, while others move on to the inlet to be there for the second time that day to have thoroughly checking. And then you're only in the stadium. They will continue filmed, either by police or by the Saarland Radio, which rotates a documentary about the Fan Project.

enter the clock at two players to the court, the stadium yells, the home block presents a complex choreography that was booed by the away section. At least from parts of the block, all others are wondering about Catcalls. Finally, know the choreography to convince.

The game begins under the leadership of the Bundesliga referee Peter Sippel, before whose eyes the FCS already attacked and insolent airs. Mannheim maintains, however, initial pleasantries are exchanged among the players.

Shortly after the game appears to recede into the background: the people who have been booed, Mannheimer choreography, complain loudly now a larger flag on the block, which restricts their vision. Going to the offer in the adjacent office block, in the first half received few, but some prefer to stay in order not to complain further. Until then, offers the greatest Opportunity for Petry, whose header against the bar is directed. It's scoreless at the break.

makes After the break the more impressive FCS, Mannheim seems to make no defense can be. Parallels to many previous FCS performances begin to condense to an opportunity is set to chance in the sand. Grgic shoots detached from Kevin Knoedler Elversberg directly to the former goalkeeper, Marc Lerandy sets the ball with eingesprungener volley wide of goal. Time passes, the FCS to lose control of the game. In the guest block is the tense situation back when some of the goalkeeper from Waldhof attack with jungle noises, and the lower part of the block sending you accosted against the very Rufer.

Mannheim 4

In the 86th Grgic minute down in the penalty area. Sippel whistles, points to the point. The world stands still.

Within four minutes to win the game of the FCS. Only Manuel Zeitz transformed untenable, then replaced Mannheim Benincasa a red card for Nachtretens and substitute Lukas Kohler highlighted in the final minute made it 2-0. The Derby is held score block has been brought under control and celebrates the Humba with the team.

the rear of the Tribune one is still being held. At some point they will let out, this time there is no march through the city of Mannheim, as it related to the tram station is returned. On the way to let the car bounce FCS fans what animates even join one of the drivers for, it will alert against Waldhof fans, Adler Mannheim-FCS fans and fans who are believed to Mannheim, gepöbelt. Whether this is the victory or the alcohol, it can be seen only with difficulty.

is the station that games are more boarded up all the fans back into the train. This time the travel takes place without a search, but again with a police escort. The day ends controlled, in contrast to the late game of the FCS.

Saturday, September 12, 2009

Best Carbon Travel Tripod

blue-black blue-black

means united in the colors to be no fraternity, mainly on the south-west derby against SV Waldhof Mannheim 1st FC Saarbrücken true. After the events at the last home game against 1 SVW FC Kaiserslautern II acceded to the historical, as well as the sporting value of the encounter in the background, a media panic and feared renewed clashes dominate the day's events. We want to highlight the aspects that would otherwise be forgotten.

Despite the rivalry of the two constituencies, which was sometimes interrupted by various clubs (such as the disaster tourists , which prove that together supporters of both clubs), there are many common features that go far beyond the same team colors.
closely linked to past the SV Waldhof Mannheim named Klaus Schlappner. The coach with the Pepitahut took over the club in 1980, he led after three seasons in the Bundesliga. 1987 Schlappner left the club to hire in October 1988 in Saarbrücken. There was the successful coach of the Mannheim twice unsuccessfully in the company rise and failed in the relegation. In April 1991, then the "Schlappi" magic had been used in Ludwig Park, although he has a right conditions for today's FCS-long term.
with long terms Eugen Hach could come up only in theory. When FCS in the spring of 2004 after two defeats in the key away games in wins and Augsburg standing under intense internal and external criticism Hach announced to remain "at least four years" in Saarbrücken. Not a day later he was on leave and brought back Horst Ehrmantraut.
The next stop was the Hach SV Waldhof Mannheim, where he wanted the now downed former Bundesliga with a "three-year plan" back draft in the heights of professional football. In November 2004 he signed already in Oberhausen, after less than five months in office.

In ups and downs of the common name in the club's history but also in the ability to suffer together as forest Höfer Molschder. The FCS is looking at five years Bundesliga, SV Waldhof back on those seven. The crash took place in Mannheim after the license revocation with no through Regional station and the consequences are still felt today, efforts to merge with VFR Mannheim and the TSG Hoffenheim as an alternative to financial off were considered from fans view as a choice between plague and cholera. The main difference from similar developments at the 1 FC Saarbrücken is the realization that we came in Mannheim ever closer. Where we discussed for years in Saarbrücken on the sense and nonsense of a stadium construction site, you are in Mannheim has long been the Bundesliga suited, but expensive Carl-Benz-Stadion.

running athletic goal in Mannheim according to circumstances. Before the season you have a lot of older players like Christof Babatz or Ermin Melunovic let stand, as the ex-FCSler Echendu Adiele. Come for this purpose are mainly unknown, young players like Niklas Ginter, who has now become a permanent staff. So one could rejuvenate the squad and reduce costs. For fans of FCS remains the most famous Marco Laping Mannheim.
This mostly new staff could move into a home victory this season only, which should be quite disappointing for the home supporters, they finished last season in fourth place in the Regionalliga Süd. At the expense of the sporting success we operate in Mannheim livelihood.

The FCS will have to tie in Mannheim at the home game against M'Gladbach II, we will also in the Distant points. Against the groom the defense was solid, success was ultimately due to perseverance and a bit of luck about. Away, the FCS is currently only win when the defense is right or power failure, the opposing attacker, as happened in Essen. The attacker can still own enough of their opportunities to also want to determine a game away.

We may also experience a very strange game play as the legendary view from Saarbrücken 3-2 victory in 2001 . To do it would be the passengers, there would thus be removed again with the football, the panic in the media.

links to the game:

- preliminary SR-online.de
- SV Waldhof the focus of the police (morgenweb.de)

Tuesday, September 8, 2009

Calories In Ham And Bean Soup

Newsletter take from the parallel universe (11)

Dear readers, dear random visitors to this blog, as it has in

recent newsletters the case, it is also time to satire and does not reflect true events. Who the reference is tired of the is said to have done in the past, unfortunately some of these short messages to jump to other sites with irony and / or cheap gags have not got anything. However, I wish
much fun.

Special Security arrangements in Mannheim

Mannheim - The security arrangements for the game Waldhof Mannheim - 1 FC Saarbrücken be strengthened. Was triggered by the events in the regional portion of the SV Waldhof against the second team of 1 FC Kaiserslautern. To prevent riots police officers drawn from all over Germany, will come to every viewer 2.5 officers. In addition, each traveling in Saarbrücken a so-called "Visa Destinations" for Mannheim will have to apply, or it can be referred to the city limits. In order to secure
the Carl-Benz-Stadion, the artist couple Christo and Jeanne-Claude commissioned to analyze the performance space, adjacent Areas and completely pack the Mannheim train station in flame-retardant material.
The packaging part of Mannheim is financed from public funds in the promotion of culture.

FCS is planning obligation for a new striker

Saarbrücken - The 1st FC Saarbrücken, despite the end of the transfer period will still require another striker. The reason given was the FCS to the previously poor records for only one Stürmertor in six games. Horst Hinschberger commented as follows: "If the factions in the parliament on a new government has agreed, so we can finally assume the obligation of a new striker in attack remains a prerequisite. Of course, that the new government we will transfer the money, "

Saarland Cup -. New mode of next season

Saarbrücken - As the Saarland Football Association announced that will from next season the competition format in Saarland Cup fundamentally change order the tournament to. shorten the first two cup rounds are simulated on the computer and not played in public. "With the electronic score sheet, we have been right," said a spokesman for the association, "and even here, people will complain no more in a few years over it" .
FCS President Horst Hinschberger welcomes the change and said it would be another chance for the fans of his club to influence the public image is not negative. The SV Elversberg would like to protest against the decision by the association, the association feared loss of revenue, the stay away "thousands of fans."

DISPLAY: FCS-shop in the wings!

FCS Hello fans!

go soon, the popular online shop of the first FC Saarbrücken back online! Because of legal and technical problems must in the initial phase, which we currently estimate at 5-6 months, all online orders will be picked up in person at the discount Passage. Ledegem with stickers and autographs, the Shipping from December to be possible.
We apologize for any inconvenience and wish all the fans to compensate with great offers!

FCS-bath pillow: 12 instead of 25 €!
FCS-scarf "The League hosted by the master": 10 instead of 15 €!
VHS tape "Best of Oberliga 07-09": 19 instead of 35 €!
FCS wall clock "master league": 25 instead of 50 €!

Who to 18.09. ordered and on 19.09. for collection will receive a key chain for free!

Fanfoto of the century:

Lighthouse 039

The lighthouse operating team, "Light House United" in the enactment of the defense at fuzzy match meal - Saarbrücken. Not pictured: Thomas Strunz.

We deny that:

- is the (attempted) to Fahnenklau fad in Ludwig Park.
- the FCS needs a new club anthem.
- Marcel Rozgonyi has been intentionally is a red card suspension, because he would like to go to the F-block.
- this is the last issue of the newsletter was. Not.

Sunday, September 6, 2009

When I Get My Monthly Mucous What Do I Do

Happy deserved to win

ago a rather disappointing crowd of nearly 3,700 fans played the 1 FC Saarbrücken his first home game against a Bundesligaresere, that of Borussia Moenchengladbach. After 90 minutes the game deserves, but happy to have come about.

Gladbachii09 002

again without a husband or blocked Rozgonyi, but it Returnees Nabil Dafi in the starting line you met a Foals, which declined in spite of the international game weekend on the excessive use of contract professionals. Gladbach seemed willing to attack the first few minutes early, left after several unsuccessful attempts flank but inexplicably from further offensive actions. Here, the FCS was shining on the remote positions far from the game in Lotte to have learned, and was often much too far away from the enemy.
midway through the first half neutralized so both teams. The FCS has won this Ledegem a good opportunity for them to Gladbach tried in the less offensive than the home side and came to a miller-only trip to the chance of scoring.

The most spectacular action of the game was so far the theft of a flag Gladbacher fence in front of stunned folder along with Sprint on the track. "Retrieve" As a fan of FCS in the interval that flag for the Gladbach fan club wish it were some tumultuous scenes in the D2-block. Following the intervention of the Saarbrücken fan project the fence banner was later returned to their original owners.

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strengthened after the break of the 1st FC Saarbrücken showed the efforts forward and the previously sovereign Foal Defense first negligence. A strong corner kick from Nico Zimmerman led to a chance for Marc Lerandy header that goalkeeper Frederic Löhe could still thwart. After 60 minutes a long ball came with the previously weak Michael Petry, who had alone can run on goal but was felled in the penalty area. The decision: penalty.
As against Munster, it should send Manuel Zeitz. To the dismay of all the spectators his shot was so weak as an attempt by Zimmermann against Munster. Fortunately for Frederic Löhe Zeitz defended the ball but just before the feet off of Zeitz, who could push this time from close range for 1-0.

Gladbachii09 011

gave little later, again in the excitement Gladbacher penalty. Borussia goalkeeper Löhe, who already protested the penalty kick, lost his nerve and fell to Marc Lerandy today. The FCS defender saw the yellow card, Löhe was due to the assault sent off. The visitors now had to sacrifice a field player, who went Blaswich for the goalkeeper from the game.

Gladbachii09 014

was outnumbered in the FCS in the 73rd Minute to the second successful attack of the game. Manuel Zeitz looked up, the Moenchengladbach defense speculated on a pass for Petry. Instead, the ball went right to Velimir Grgic, in turn, on the last defender passing the ball into the path of Nico white man hung up. This ended the great attack from the 2-0. Subsequently managed the FCS, the result, while Gladbach had outnumbered playful means no more to avert the defeat. In the final minute saw another Gladbach, Tony Jantschke, a second yellow card because of dissent, which brought the running time, no further benefit to the FCS.

Next midfield that, for the first FC Saarbrücken, while the forwards can sometimes Ledegem as the key templates. In a weak long-distance game of the FCS ultimately deserved win, even if you only towards the end and with a bit of luck came to winning ways.

Friday, September 4, 2009

What Happen Due To Multiple Lipoma

first of many

The League daily life is the FCS to obtain tomorrow's home game. This is not the least volatile performance, but rather at the first encounter with one of eight reserve team in the Regionalliga West emblazoned Borussia Mönchengladbach II

Like most teams, which were formerly often sided with the addition of "amateurs" Elf on the label now " U23 " what really is the case with most players. Over most of the routine and experience the two 33-year olds in the team, Lars Schuchardt (since 1999 in the club) and Marcel Podszus (formerly Fortuna Dusseldorf), and the 27-year-old captain Mirhudin Kacar. The latter is the most dangerous scorer with three goals of the "colt", although he is a central midfielder. Trained be shifted downwards, the mixture of youth players and some experienced Leitspielern Horst Wohlers, whose most prominent predecessor, probably the former Cameroon coach Winfried Schaefer is.

This season, we recorded two wins, two losses and a draw in itself and is therefore only one point away from the FCS. This is after the defeat in Lotte arrived again on the ground of reality. Too high pointed to the victory over Essen and Münster and mistook the one hand, the negligence, with RWE in its own stadium gave away a chance to chance, and the heedlessness with which one works so hard around Münster in the moment (what coach Schmidt could soon taste the head). Whether in Saarbrücken now may criticize individual players or the team, the fact remains that one has seen only five games and is aware that the team not to relegation candidates must belong in this league.

to avoid a crash is asked mainly to improve the situation in defense and in the storm. While the defense of multiple changes also accordingly once scattered, now consolidated and occurred at the weekend for the return of Marcus Mann hopes The storm seems to a problem child for the first of the season to develop. Michael Petry was able to convert in four games Ledegem one of his numerous chances into a goal, Velimir Grgic is playing solid, but rather preparation as executor. After the closing of the transfer list you have to hope that the existing staff increases over the next few games, or that you find something in the contract is wicked, should improve anything.

morning you will have to stand up to the first of many missions of the Second Bundesliga. It will also play a role, whether to match the weekend, some players run up the first team as a "gain". The FCS can only hope Borussia that harks back to the sportsmanship and fairness, and arrives with the usual staff. All others will have to answer for the men in blue-black, now find themselves trapped in the league everyday.

link to the game:

- preliminary SR-online.de

Thursday, September 3, 2009

Ets Army Reimbursement Dity Move Weight

paper plates and advertising

Somewhere in North Rhine-Westphalia, twenty past six. Our bus is on a better track that should be on the plate the entrance to the guest entrance to the PGW Arena. Long as it also looks to desert, but then you recognize a synthetic pitch and behind a hill and behind it again a structure that resembles a stadium. After nearly eight-hour bus ride we arrived.

the stadium waiting for some friends who have traveled by car, even some FCS exiles have already of the benefits of PGW Arena made a picture. A brief chat about the local conditions, the folks back home network community and other things in life start the stadium everyday. With horror I realize now that the sausage is served with white bread on paper plates. Cruel.

Lotte09 004

get on the score so slowly I stand problems that make me an opinion about the stadium. On the one hand, it is almost covered on clean floor trusses with an excellent view, on the other hand, there is hardly a non-commercialized area and the sprinkler through the stadium radio volume makes conversation with the neighbors to strength. After all, it is not far to the offense, which is to be Fanradio external microphone and the players warm up already.

After you had to endure more or less embarrassing messages from the stadium announcer, it is equal to go. Nearly 100 Saarbrücken distributed in the away section, the largest concentration is at noon and ready armed with banners and double brackets for kickoff. What happens on the home page, can be understand from the guest block only partially, at least you will hear out of a pivoting flag and drums no sign of life.

Lotte09 004

The game begins, the discomfort of all FCS fans, without Markus man in defense. The central defense is made Lerandy Berrafato and, for the suspended Rozgonyi assumes the role of the white man's captain.
The FCS builds on the first 45 minutes of the Munster game, fights for every ball and is inquiring after. It is, however, quickly realized that the home club has a different caliber and can thus fortunate that the early 1-0 lead due to score an offside position is not achieved.
developed in the course of the first round is a clear preponderance of opportunities for the FCS. The first attempt by Petry goes meter wide of the housing Keeper of Poggenborg, the next attempt more dangerous to approach the gate. Whether the door to advertising in the back wall behaves like a chameleon to his surroundings, is perhaps a question that you should investigate on the occasion of times, in any case is assigned by the FCS his chance in this context. Nico white man gets in over suspicious position off the ball leaked free before the goalkeeper and shoots, balancing fairness, the goalkeeper. Shortly after, Michael Petry beheading not even on the target goal, but the underside of the crossbar. At this time an FCS leadership is actually earned.

Lotte09 004

How so often in this life, revenge and this thought, feel as if neither petrol nor Lerandy players responsible for the Lotter, who marched on the left side of the square and passes the ball into the penalty area, where Florian Dondorf to 1-0 lead intercalates . The broken neck is not two minutes later as Danny Arend not attacked by his opponents and is 16 meters from the ball curled into the goal. Within ten minutes of the FCS not only squandered the chance of an away victory, he sealed his own defeat even.

stroll Something I served as the only stall sold to the grill sausages in the away section. With deep reluctance, I'll take the sausage on paper plates together with ungetoastetem white bread counter. Although the meat is delicious Ling, I wonder why so many people putter in Germany rather complicated with fatty sausage, instead of the part just to put it in a bun. Before I can ask me further this essential question of life, is the sausage then already eaten and the stadium radio announced a stoppage in the game of Mannheim - Kaiserslautern II, some comment on that, whether one would be driven not better there, the spectacle due.

exercises after the break to score in grain enhancement block away, while the FCS will find a corner of the home side. The ball comes in, the scorer of the beheading 2-0, Arend, the ball on goal and an FCS player clears the last minute. While in the stands all excited now and in the guest block until a deep breath is taken, the assistant referee waving his flag and runs to the center line. With sheer horror the present Saarbrücken is aware that in some cases fell 3-0. The players protest, block rages and curses at the line judge, but all that is useless. Ultimately, the decision remains as to whether the ball actually crossed the line in full, difficult to understand since decided fractions of a second. Perhaps it is one of the few right decisions of the assistant referees, in the wake of new stresses Friend of the Annex, the flag suspicious guests often only after the cries of the block. Or not at all, as after a curving cross, in the air crossing the goal line and into the field to find.
The third goal also means complete frustration and apathy on the part of the FCS. Dieter also still brings Marcel Schug, Sammer Mozain and Mike Brückerhoff, but these do not revive the heavily truncated game. Lotte is in addition to occasional forays terminating all of them without further scoring. In the end, even the away section and silent after the final whistle rather relieved.

The team will be adopted shortly, only white men and Nico Sammer Mozain go to the fence and act more as served. This one is also on departure. For Lotte, take with the knowledge that the sausage is rust in the wake that the FCS to be reckless with its opportunities and deals that almost 900 kilometers bus hose especially if you've just lost.

Tuesday, September 1, 2009

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What about should know Lotte

The English week out in September 1st FC Saarbrücken in a place called Lotte. Thought for a long, Lotte was Ledegem short for "Charlotte" and the most famous namesake Lotte Lenya, who was allowed to hand over James Bond in 1963 From Russia with Love with poisoned knife point in the shoe, so we know this season that it is also the Sportfreunde Lotte . The FCSBlog today announced club and city.

The Church:

Lotte is a town the size and popularity of Spiesen-Elversberg and is not, as is often claimed, in Lower Saxony, but in North Rhine-Westphalia and is adjacent to precisely that state from which the current German Champion comes. The nationwide popularity of Lotte closes the Wikipedia alone " the motorway interchange Lotte / Osnabrück and the regional football league team Sportfreunde Lotte " back. That's all there is, what is it saying about Lotte.

The Organization: The

Sportfreunde Lotte have the Life of typical regional division, as the beginning of the 21st Century has come into fashion. The club itself was founded 80 years ago, the first men's team rose in 1989 in the national league, the Union League in 1996 and 2004 in the major leagues finally to the qualification and in 2008 the new Regional League West. The great events in the Club History off-ramps consist of annual friendlies friendlies "against the Bundesliga side SV Meppen (0-0) (96/97) or the celebration in honor of Dietmar Frederick in 1999, 30 Time acquired the German Sports Badge.


The PGW Arena is a surprisingly neat stadium with a capacity of 5,500 seats. Almost legendary is the huge Hintertorwerbewand, where you as a spectator any striker, whether with or without visual impairment, have pity, as can be seen within this flood of advertising at first sight to be a goal. Generally, the extra advertising boards (see the flyer of the fan project ) and free strip between the stands and playing field, the two weakest points of the PGW Arena.

The Team:

is eight points from four games Lotte in second place. Leaders curiously Mainz 05 II, which are released in their own stadium by the sports fans with 1:7 and therefore despite the top position a negative goal difference have. The team will be trained by Maik Walpurgis, whose name so harmonizes with the club, how could it last experience with Wolfgang Wolf in the service of VfL Wolfsburg. Actually, it seems like witchcraft Mainz result, Lotte scored in the remaining three games, three goals. The ascent can

ambitions of sports fans read primarily at the new players. Last year's Tenth himself prized table with David Pagano and Silvio Czyszczon two experienced players from league rivals from Essen, a former Bundesliga player Alexander Thamm met twice, Benjamin Wingerter his hand once and Sidney could win a second division experienced defender. FCS fans might know him or from the 04/05 season, as Sidney saw the guest appearance in Saarbrücken food for the home side red.

The Game:

For the FCS, it will be difficult in the PGW Arena. Although the 7-1 win at Mainz suggests that one could expect, especially an aggressive opponent, so is the true jewel of the defense Sportfreunde Lotte. In two home games so they stayed with the newly formed Defense without conceding a goal. As there are clearly stabilized in the last two games, the Saarbrücken back line, it comes in the fifth game of the season mainly to the storm that has been reported Ledegem a goal. It could be problematic if the ailing man and not Petry can compete. Particularly in the case's failure would be even more bitter because it is used not only as defense chief, but also as a captain, has been blocked since Marcel Rozgonyi after his red card for three games.

Whether the FCS can compensate the possible losses and whether he is up to the high stress within the English This week, we learn tomorrow night.

links to the game:

- preliminary FCS-HP
- preliminary SF Lotte (official website)

Saturday, August 29, 2009

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Twice Zeitz, two red and little excitement

closed gates and a quantity of heated easily made known their displeasure. As has been blamed on democracy and the elections. And actually had the good man who is yelling "why is it Wohr!" really right, as appropriate could be called the measure by no means the first time before kick-off the game FC Saarbruecken - Eintracht Trier opened.

Muenster09 005

According According to eyewitness reports probably had some Münster an unguarded seconds used, and boarded the platform, to which some responded Saarbrücken. What according to one of many "hit factories" (jargon) sounds led to the unusual measure to block the stadium and initially involved no more mere mortals. Whether one wanted to sacrifice the already located in the stadium fans a wild horde of guests or whether the outside Waiting people as potential amateur boxer is considered, probably a secret. It seems that the carelessness police and security service to have equally overwhelmed. Eventually, the order came to open the gates, which meant that initially only one gate was open. This was right at the ticket window, which still caused additional resentment. When they realized this, it was already 13:35 clock.

renounced the stadium I go to the usual snack before kick off and instead bought the "Media Guide" of the FCS, which is a stripped down version of last time in 2006 published "FC Info", the slightly overpriced price of two euros.
In the corner was already one to prepare a Choreography employs a lighthouse reader asked about the sausage issue that will only appear next week and the biggest talking point was attributable to the away section. Not necessarily the events were prior to the start to the debate, but rather the consistent separation of two fan groups within the C-block. Who knows the Saarbrücken Block discussion, the would look outside the box to open the knowledge that at least attract to away games all FCler usually in concert.

Muenster09 005

On the lawn was finally played football. Nico Zimmermann was back to the starting squad, stood in goal after his brilliant performance Eating Michael Müller and assaulted it should send Michael Petry and Velimir Grgic.
From the start, gave the FCS respect and seemed much more aggressive than the guest of Münster. Above all, Jonathan Zydko often left his seat before the defense and pushed forward to get ready to attack early.
The first corner kick of the day left the stadium shake right. Having defused Cathedral goalie Buchholz with a strong Defense a head ball, the ball jumped to Manuel Zeitz, who pushed the ball over the line. After a few seconds, "Song 2" by Blur silenced the cheers and some whistles could be heard now: offside. In this decision, the referees, however, was also correct.
The next kick should be, unlike the first two match days, both his right and reason to cheer. After a wonderful pass from Grgic would dribble Zimmermann goalkeeper Buchholz, this broke the midfielder but from the legs. There was a warning for the goalkeeper and a penalty for the FCS, which converted the Manuel Zeitz for 1-0 lead.

Muenster09 005

Not five minutes later a corner of the FCS should provide for risk in the guest box. Actually repelled developed a Kopfballstaffette. Michael Petry headed back to the middle and Manuel Zeitz headed in on Buchholz to make it 2-0.

was a result of the FCS active and combative stronger team. Michael Petry alone could increase the result before the break with two good chances, twice he chose the wrong option and shot the ball straight into the goalkeeper Buchholz arms.
gave the E-block it at that time a further excitement as a young woman collapsed and the gate of the D2-block long lingering paramedics were coming up in the first place was a reaction. Also, a folder was not exactly helpful in this situation and wanted to stop a fan who had come into the interior, to summon the emergency services. Shortly after this incident, the referee whistled the break.

changed after the break, the situation on the pitch slightly. The first round and the high Pressing the FCS had taken a lot of power, Munster did not come to terms with the impending defeat, and increased their own efforts. The proceeds of this effort was on the offensive with the Prussians still relatively small. Whether the striker Eintracht Trier on that day would not or could not remain their secret. was repelled So there was the best opportunity to score a free kick that turns itself around the wall towards the lower right corner, but with a fine save from Muller. Very often the young miller was now shouting at his front men, as they the guests plenty of options offered and thus more frequently near the gate, though almost never came to a conclusion. In the 73rd
Minute it was then a counterattack, the Velimir Grgic was staged, which struck a few hooks and was felled in the box: second penalty for the FCS.

took this Nico Zimmermann, which the opportunity is left for final decision to criminally and a weak shot into the lower left corner of himself was what stopped Buchholz, as well as the additional funding from Zimmer.
was the moral impetus of the held Elfers no longer use Münster. The last significant action on the field was accounted for by Marc Münster Lorenz and Marcel Rozgonyi. After Lorenz Lerandy near the corner flag and fouls a little nachtrat, the FCS-captain the offender pushed the full force of the legs. The traps were Lorenz Rozgonyi with even a slap. This short sequence of several absolutely ugly and unnecessary actions were punished by the referee after a short consultation with his assistant with a sending off for Rozgonyi and Lorenz, which was the only right decision. Shortly afterwards, the first home victory this season ended.

Despite organizational breakdowns, which should please do not expect those responsible every match the inclined FCS fan, is the joy of the season's first victory in the Louis Park. This is far from as undeserved, in the first half, all parts of the team were confident and attacking each other. Manuel Zeitz was everywhere and always alert, Nico Zimmermann began the game with skilful passes in transition and Velimir Grgic proved his worth with strong ball conquests for the team. The FCS is with that victory finally arrived home in the regional league.

Friday, August 28, 2009

Small Mylar Balloon Letters

game four

The fourth game in the young Regionalliga season is not the fate game for Dieter Ferner, which has prevented the coup in Essen 2-1 last Sunday. The match against Eintracht Trier will still point the way for the FCS.

The enemy of Westphalia is certainly one of the more attractive Participants in this Regionalliga season, which is, as so often in the glorious past of the club, which for decades ago. 1951, exactly one year before the FCS, one was German runner-up, 1963 was a founding member of the Bundesliga and we went along with the FCS equal in its first year back from . These parallels are joined by the long decline of professional football into the cathedral, with Munster after 1964 never saw a football game of the FCS, however long shuttled between the upper and lower house.
Before the season was Munster who named his favorite climb. 2008 closed one fourth down, which marked the best finish of a non-reserve, in the year before was one of the champions league Westphalia. This calls for the team of Roger Schmidt, whose most prominent newcomer David is the case that a few years for Paderborn in the 2nd League kicked. They started landing in the season with two losses and was similar to the FCS, only last week a coup (4-1 Schalke II).


The FCS is there to put it where you left off in Essen. Was seen mainly in the offensive against Trier has a lot more movement, so it was only to stabilize the defense, which helped in Essen to success. Michael Müller was also a brilliant performance against Munster and is replaced in preference to Enver Marina, the first in the Saarland League match fitness will gather. Nico Zimmermann will probably return to the squad include the other hand, are missing from the nor the names Dafi, Metin and farmers. In contrast to tomorrow's opponents were able to master player of the FCS save in his own dressing Cup, the 15-0 win over the circle division Hermann Röchling amount you put on the waiting list and players in the FCS II

The fourth game of the direction for the can pretend coming weeks. Burned after the 0:6 against Elversberg in a lot of FCS eyes ablaze, we may not be the 2-1 win in Essen overestimated. Dieter Ferner team must be back tomorrow against Munster clarified and certain as to food, but finally show a bit more accurate. Then you leave maybe tomorrow the relegation zone.

links to the game:

- preliminary sr-online.de
- Saarbrücken lures (preussenfieber.de)

Tuesday, August 25, 2009

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Two important events in the Ruhr

most apparent in the past week, the well-known mechanisms, the first FC Saarbrücken for several decades dominate. The athletic performance by no means the beginning of the season corresponded to general expectation, despite the fact that the club the worst possible start program has been allotted, and in the environment and the tabloids were first cries aloud for consequences. That it might be quiet now, is almost two symbolic events.

First of all, must , the healing effect of victory in Essen call. Marcel Rozgonyis assessment of a "tactical masterstroke " was issued by Kicker sports magazine derided although mild, but it has managed the team for the first time this season to ward off more shots than conceding goals. It depends on the performance of Michael Mueller, who thwarted several great chances, but this is also in the conversion of defense that is Zydko become safer.
way, it could in the blue-black like food such as Trier in Ludwig Park: the opportunities that had been used consistently and also forced the enemy to mistakes. For those who are already at the last home game, a performance improvement detected, the victory in Essen is affirmative and reassuring, because it puts the 0-6 defeat in nine churches. For others, the victory is perhaps a sign or miracle.

Fcs2 001

How does a miracle in any case, the second event of important significance for the 1 FC Saarbrücken. An hour after dinner was kicked off in the U23 of the FCS for the showdown with Hertha Wiesenbach. Between the posts here was not as Jan Tjaden, but Enver Marina, who could last the 2-0 derby victory over Homburg in November put the blue-black jersey. The long-injured veteran is doing a pretty good figure, showed its strength in the penalty area in the control and interaction with the defense. The FCS II ultimately won just 1-0 and the odds that Enver Marina may soon is the first team between the sticks, do not seem as high as long. As much as the performance of Mueller food speaks for the Freiburg loan, so one wishes for nothing more than to the return of the man who got in 15 games last year only eight conceded.

These two events can not create euphoria. But inwardly they convey the deeply satisfying feeling that even unexpected will never be impossible, and that the FCS is now really arrived in the regional league. And that it will stay there not only with depth.

Saturday, August 22, 2009

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It could in the coming days will be quite turbulent in the sports field, should the 1 FC Saarbrücken under coach Dieter also not finally enter the redemptive first season victory. The hard task and the "Molschder" have to deal with tomorrow in Essen, gives more critics than the players wings.

provides Especially the Saarland edition of the BILD newspaper speculation of unrest in the vicinity of the 1 FC Saarbrücken. Cited one Horst Hinschberger at 21.08. with these words:..

"We have nothing and no one at the moment in question, said before the season that we give ourselves time to four games then tell the coach but also until then. "

Hence interpreted Daniel Fisher a reprieve for Dieter Ferner. This may be justified, but there is nothing more than a supposition of a journalist. The fact that Fischer's interpretation is not even the best of all is, appears on its concern that the "reprieve", which he proves in the article, only two days before the closure of the transfer window border and without clubs players do not necessarily constitute a help for a "crisis-ridden club.
fact, forget fishing often practiced method, a contract with a retired player to destroy, so it can go as a club loser during the season to a new employer. Nor does Daniel Fischer is not even the question of where the money will come for further reinforcements. Fined due to recent events in the game in nine churches should be an additional burden on the budget.

important than all the mind games that cause confusion and strengthen the existing Ledegem unrest, the game is in Essen. You should by no means abandon the idea of the FCS is a chance tomorrow.

Rot-Weiss Essen is not satisfactory in the new season started. A 2-0 home victory over the U23 of the 1st FC Kaiserslautern followed a narrow defeat at game record (16 492 viewers) in Gelsenkirchen which, at least in Fanlager has caused resentment. This not only of the FCS is in a tight spot, but Thomas Strunz and Uwe Erkenbrecher who want to apply with their team as a favorite on the rise. For this goal we had looked before the season in the Southwestern League and put three players of last year's runner from Kaiserslautern, and Holger Lemke and Denny Herzig of the SV Elversberg under contract. Anything but a victory would be regarded as a disappointment in Essen.

Nevertheless, the FCS is not without a chance in the duel of the traditional clubs. Although you will still have to do without the important pillars on the defensive, Dafi and Marina, however, the defense in the Trier-game already a far more stable impression as taught in Neunkirchen, which was mainly due to Alexander Otto and Marcus Mann. Also in the offensive approaches were seen on which can build the team in Essen. While not a single shot on goal against Elversberg played out, you had to register, especially in the second half, a lot of good scoring opportunities. It must also tie then, should the ailing Grgic and Carpenter not recover until kickoff.

For the FCS, it is primarily a chance for a first clearance. Should not this information is used, it is inevitable that one makes oneself part of the society concerned about human consequences, but you should berückrichtigen even then, what was allotted for a thankless task to the FCS program with the launch.

links to the game:

- In the shadow of the grandstand (RWE Blog)
- Preliminary Rot-Weiss Essen
- preliminary SR-online.de

Wednesday, August 19, 2009

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thankless job for nearly four years

If tomorrow, as expected, the conviction of four former police be like, so the events under the 6th November 2005 so that after long years of waiting, a line was drawn. At that time the club experienced one of the darkest chapters in terms of communication between club officials and ordinary fans.

On that day I was sitting at the beginning of the game Vortribüne the back straight. Unlike the previous games I was not in the E-block, which was only recently become known as the "Virage Est. This was partly due to the disappointment of the sporting decline, the hasty sacking of Horst Ehrmantraut, but especially on this day also because I wanted to watch the match with my parents. So it happened that this time I had to look on the seats, like a desolate demonstration of FCS had been clarified, Rostock.
I was surprised even from game to start on that from the E-block either acoustically or visually could hear a sign of life, but pushed to a possible Protest, as he was already visible in a 1-1 draw against Burghausen. Also, I pushed it to the general discontent that caused the threat of defeat by Hansa-kicker, as crowds of people during the first half, the D-block left.
After the end of the first round but I wanted to know more about what was going on, and left the gallery, to see just the E-block. When I arrived, fans were already a variety of D-and E-block gathered at the Albert Hall, the reported stunned by what had happened before the match in the Virage Est. Any agreed critical poster with the words "against the mercenaries Pack" should be removed at the behest of the club, then folder went with extreme brutality going on fans who had shown no violence. Critical, mature fans were attacked with sticks and fists of folders.

What followed in the second half are good scenes that I will not forget in my life. Fans of different walks of united in a spontaneous demonstration, which led first to the F-block. There, the security staff now had the situation of trying to solve a very peculiar way: was imprisoned for visitors to the F-block. This strange-looking image provoked some viewers even greater resentment, because they are now climbing over the fence into the open and spontaneous demonstration joined. I discovered from time to time, always in the middle of the row civilian police officers. Nevertheless, the situation seemed firmly in the hands of FCS fans who went with songs and occasional Bengalos from outside of the stadium's attention. Someday, when I stood at the fence of the A-block, the first goal fell by Yilmaz Örtülü what the amount, as well as myself, had felt cold.
In the A block should be in at the spontaneous demonstration at the end of the game in order despite the attempt of censorship at the end of the planned poster Pack mercenaries but still presenting a poster used as a bonus it even more drastic words. It seems almost strange in the end that even visitors with fans from Rostock Saarbrücken solidarity and the demonstrators sang together far after the game. What followed were

fan meeting without a club official, a fairly extensive media coverage for a Fanthema, excuses and justifications of the club head, a further demonstration and ultimately relegation. Also startling posters and the general wave of protests could not prevent this.

The long rat tail, moved to Rostock seems that tomorrow's verdict will find an end to continue, even if the consequences. For future generations of club officials, this can only be a warning example, that freedom of expression constitutes an important asset and it is precisely the criticism of the fan base should be taken seriously, even if they are rarely comfortable. Words have always found their way, no matter how many stick to them wanted to throw between the legs.

Related links:

- FCS folder corporal confessed (SR-online.de)
- DDR-Revival-Party in the Park! (Ludwigspark.de blog)

Sunday, August 16, 2009

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FCS - Trier 1:3 - The analysis



had really digested pure snow, no FCS fan the painful defeat last week, there already was in the Trier Louis Park. This was on 1 Matchday a moral victory won 2-2 in a lower number. For both teams, and club supporters including Derby away from the character the best conditions for an interesting game. The one-year break this game should not be forgotten.

5 out of 5 points


still summer and dry, the best football weather.

5 out of 5 points

The home crowd: Optical

presented the Louis Park filled well, probably would be a victory in the previous week have been even more upward potential. On home page was presented alongside a loud, sometimes grandstand across the usual vocal repertoire of battle cries. In periods of Trier guide you easily silenced, however, one was after the first goal wide awake and supported constantly. In addition to the veteran abusive chants from Trier, there were also some game-related banners.

3 out of 5

The inn crowd

A part of the Trier Annex caused beginning of the game with bullets that the meeting was kicked off late. This absolutely unnecessary action from the rest of the stadium deal was greeted with catcalls. As a result, considerable time was one loud, sometimes rather quiet and even had a pack of gum team doll brought into the stadium with a banner that accompanies most of the home were addressed Annex.

2 of 5 points


The first half:

care to avoid any mistakes, both teams were at the beginning of a more defensive. While Trier tried to copy with the long ball tactic Elversberg the previous week, the FCS was successful, however, and was often stopped in front of goal with offside whistle. Eventually they came to his chances, but showed in the final one or the other weakness. Positive action in the game forward Brückerhoff as dribbling winger Grgic and emerged as top baller Santander striker. On page Trier had the best chance with a shot just before the end of the half-time gave a controversial penalty kick, the guided tour.

4 of 10 points

The second half: ended

As bad as the first half, they went well. Senesie concerned with a touchdown early on the 0-2. As a result, the FCS but showed more determined and aggressive and broke the game itself. After class white man set after 61 minutes in scene, he pushed the ball past goalkeeper Kronholm pass into the goal. The first goal and be brought on the FCS Schug lively and provided a variety of opportunities. Grgic lifts the ball alone in front Kronholm just over the crossbar, a Schug-kick narrowly failed keeper of harmony, both Lerandy Petry and missed a sharply drawn kick in. and finally the substitute nominee failed because of the strong Eintracht goalkeeper Kronholm. That these four high-caliber left unused, avenged himself in injury time as the completely conceded on offense oriented FCS for a counter-attack, the third Senesie-goal after a lob. The second half was found in all its drama an unfortunate end.

9 out of 10


The FCS:

light and shadow changed in minutes, from the FCS. Goalkeeper Müller at 1:3 too far in front of his chest, but overall appears confident than the previous week on. As much as the defensive performance increased, so striking was often the number of position errors. Otto completed by all defensive players while his case at the neatest, coal can power on a speedy recovery by Tim Bauer hope. The work shows evidence of the midfield in the large number of developed opportunities, the chance of recovery of the storm here was more a problem.

2.5 of 5 points


cleverness rewarded the team by Mario Basler, since with the few resources it began, was the desired result. You did not need a lot of opportunities developed, because you almost all exploited consistently, which is mainly on the account of the Trier impeller Sahr Senesie. Next to him you can Eintracht goalkeeper Kronholm describe as best man of the guests, as they represented the difference in this comparison. Disintegration in the Trier defense and nearly any lack of relief efforts between the 50th and the 90th Minutes, press the assessment of the Mosel kicker.

3 out of 5

The Referee: Dr. Drees had

the game taking control of as much as possible, provided, however, with a penalty kick in front of the 0:1 a wrong decision that affected the game play significantly.

2.5 of 5 points

Overall impression:

A thrilling second half in the Derby, where you from FCS-view actually only the many missed opportunities can annoy.

3 out of 5


39 of 60 points

Thursday, August 13, 2009

Woman Performed In A Thong

prevent panic

It is an old reunion under unusual conditions: the first FC Saarbrücken Eintracht Trier receives the first home game of the new Regional League season. It unites the respective past, the feeling of having been cheated in the last week by the arbitrator and not least, the unspoken fear that a defeat could spread panic in his own camp.

on the Moselle had to start the league certainly not presented as it occurred last week. This one at least since the Cup win against Hannover 96 as a favorite on the rise, which is partly due to a fairly star-studded squad. Even in the Bundesliga last season could be the experienced veteran Mark the beginning and the former youth international commit Sahr Senesie, a little longer here is the Namibian national team Wilko Risser. In addition, we solved the beginning of the season more or less acute goalkeeper question and was able to secure the services of Kenneth Kronholm. Coach Mario Basler can draw without question a well-mixed and strong field squad, which could be seen not least because it fell into the cup means and turned the game against Hannover after 60 minutes. In light

Contrast, the indiscipline and lack of concentration, which occurred with the Mosel kicker last match against Schalke II. You missed many chances against weak opponents expected from the Ruhr decimated, with two red cards himself and could ultimately annoy more than happy that it has only served to offset, in a game in which for a long time the events dominated. Basel coach also had no control and had during the game on the platform.

Without the suspended Lacroix and Fernandes register now traveling to an enemy, the plague of its own problems. FCS at the reactions to the defeat in Fanlager were rather mild, even though the first underworld figures already scattered rumors, Dieter distance'm already internally on the hit list. This
said during the week of an "execution" and is also the players have inculcated the idea as unworthy of Elle in the field of a regional division was. It is also clear that a further demonstration of this type will not remain without consequences, is particularly criticized by the fans that the storm was occupied for the regional too thin. Michael Petry's use is questionable as that of Tim and Dieter Bauer also has to face the question of whether he starts again with a top strike partnership, or which he returned to the race. Waive the FCS must in any case, the injured Metin, Dafi and Marina.

In view of the faction is Trier, both favorite and the FCS under tremendous pressure, he will not allow themselves a complete failure to start the season. What he might be in this situation, the benefit, the two failures to Trier side, and the role as an outsider in the team may underestimate Basel / fox the table last. An early panic in the area of FCS but can only prevent this by not he repeats the haphazard cowards football from nine churches.

links to the game:

- preliminary FCS
- preliminary Eintracht Trier
- preliminary SR-online

Tuesday, August 11, 2009

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500th Review

It is no exaggeration to say that I was shocked no defeat in the last several years more than the 0-6 debacle in Neunkirchen. I have seen how the FCS was dismantled by Offenbach (2006), was there when you are in Pirmasens disgraced (2007) and in two years increased from one, but all is not enough to approach the game from last Friday. And one can hardly give it a worse time, in my view, as we are now right in the 500th Contribution of this weblog are modest. But who knows the FCS fan, also knows that this may well revel in memories. And for this post has actually just that this therapy with personal rankings.

My personal top Eleven:

Goalkeepers: Peter Eich
central defense: Christian Stuff, Marcel Rozgonyi
left defensive winger Sebastian Pelzer
Right winger defensive: Aimen Demai
Central Midfield: Karsten Hutwelker (C), Mustapha Hadji
left offensive winger: Chadli Amri
Right winger offensive: Mike Frantz
Forward: Gunter Thiebaut, Jonathan Hunter

Coach: Dieter also

bench: Enver Marina (Tor), Echendu Adiele, Yannick Dekoun, Christian Weber, Nabil Dafi, Manfred Bender, Gernot Plassnegger, Sambo Choji, Gregory straw man

Best Jersey:

home shirt 2000/2001 (Photo: www.saarbrueckentrikot.de )

The team colors in wide stripes and a sponsor logo, which also blends in color. Also my first Fantrikot.

Best Match:

first FC Saarbruecken - TSV 1860 München 4:1 (2:1) - 07.11.2004

A highlight of the first round of 2004/2005. Two early goals put the Ludwig Park to romp, a watchable first goal of the Munich Lions produced something like stress and end up making a brilliant Eckballvariante clear victory over former Bundesliga losers.

The best away:

Sportfreunde Siegen - 1 FC Saarbrücken 0:4 (0:1) - 03.02.2006

Shortly before the opening of this weblog a substandard FCS Believed Dead in wintry conditions relegation rivals out of the country winners in their own stadium. Twice the current Elversberg goalkeeper Masic was duped by lifting gates, at first it was Demai to 4-0 lead, then there was Jonathan hunter, with his first goal in blue-black in the selection of the "Goal of the Week" in the Sports Show "came. It was also the first away victory that I experienced in a league game.

The best three goals:

Henrich Bencik to 4-1 win over Dresden (2005)

Even if the end of this meeting relatively unspectacular, was more brilliant was the preparation. A long drive of calibration is of Nehrbauer beheaded to the side, from there, the whole back line and Dresden by surprise in the middle to Bencik putt for a Abwehrpatzer. A forgotten genius.

Seat 2: Mike Frantz
to make it 3-1 in Trier (2008)

goalkeeper, the storm just before closing the front, can be a hero or a fool, but sometimes they just lucky that an empty goal from 50-60 feet away is just not to take too easily. Mike Frantz made it quite clever and sent Trier goalkeeper Schneider on a chase with the ball cutters lost and Saarbrücken cheered.

3rd place: Faysal El Idrissi
to 2-0 Eschborn (2003)

A magician never the same trick twice should perform before one and the same audience. El Idrissi had his powder really missed when he converted a free kick, which was not recognized as a hit, as referee Knut Kircher had this appears to be indirectly. As a short time later at the same place as before, the FCS a free-kick, this time directly attributed got broke El Idrissi the old magician-rule and curled the ball into the goal for this time valid 2-0.

The best catch Sang:

Aux armes!
Aux armes! Nous sommes les
sarrebruquois Et nous allons gagner

Saarbrücken Allez!

Who skeptical towards French songs in Ludwig Park, believe me on that German-language versions of "Aux Armes" never the spine-tingling sensation may be the original. I did it anyway, whenever this antiphon is sung.

This was the highly subjective collection of my personal rankings for the 500th Post on this blog, which may be sometimes exceptional stained very positive because it would eventually dull even, eternally reside in the defeat last Friday. After all, there is already this Friday to next difficult game of Trier. The best fanzine , until the release of "Saturday's Heroes", there will also be the.

Saturday, August 8, 2009

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angry today - priceless

When the game Elversberg - Saarbrücken ever want to be gain a positive side, those present have their fan life one more added as a unique and interesting experience. And get the players a lesson. But that's it for now.

Elversberg09 001

Nearly 7000 spectators had gathered in the truly wonderful Ellefeld Stadium, which adorns recently rather unattractive nets behind both goals. Consequently, stayed behind in these areas almost no one on the blocks, the Saarbrücken Annex moved to the corner next to the grandstand. At this time the mood was still quite bright, if slightly tense.
With only a nominal head, newcomer Velimir Grgic, went into the game Dieter Furthermore, the refrain had a number of players and permanent employees. Without Bauer and Zydko had on the two outer positions in the back four and Kohler Lerandy try the gate guarded Marina spare Müller. Elversberg, however, could draw on unlimited resources.

Elversberg09 007

The start of the actual drama, which should play began, to the minute with the kick-off. The FCS had from the start, uncertain, while in a controlled Elversberg Offensive began. Breakfast will turn on and the former league referee Stefan Trautmann in the action, expressed with unique gestures and whistle sharp admonitions from many actions. So it was a free kick, the confused after seven minutes, the Saarbrücken defense and ex-Homburger Andreas Haas, the 1-0 prepared. Visibly shocked, but not discouraged, there was the Saarbrücken Annex, while players in blue and black did not find any suitable means to come into play. If risk has been developed, then Ledegem on set pieces.
After 27 minutes, was captain Marcel Rozgonyi a momentous defensive error, the man next Berrafato had forgotten in the middle of the Elversberg Willmann and this shot to the early 2-0 for the home team in a foreign stadium.
got Subsequently referee Strautmann increasingly in the spotlight. The line of the referee was too inconsistent, according to eloquent exhortations for all the world fouls, he went one day to show yellow cards to what it turned out well as premature as it was used in later, similar fouls, only the means of oral admonition. Along with theatrical and provocative contributions by Thomas Klasen you felt the first time how this game threatened to get out of hand.
It was the 31st Minute of the game played as an innocent-looking Eckballsituation front of the gate with a whistle and Saarbrücken the point was stopped on the penalty spot. Michael Mueller should have been the culprit, conceded to the general lack of understanding shown the yellow card and converted the penalty to Cem Islamoglu 3-0 lead for Elversberg. The first time, the anger spilled the Saarbrücken viewers in objects that flew into the square, would later turn out that the poor umpire stationed Trautmann the wrong man and not the right man testified against Marcus. With this decision, neither was true even half full, the full anger of the audience invited to the referee.
were completely controlled all concerned with FCS membership at the break.

took after the break also the disastrously weak Schug and white men of the place, brought in straw man and Mozain two offensive forces. However, it persisted in Saarbrücken was Elversberg with a catastrophic tackles the necessary space that used this too. Examples for the fourth goal: Berrafato played a bad pass in the legs by referee Trautmann, who did not see the ball and that just before the feet of the home team distracted, which only had to complete the counter. Shortly after the game finally slipped away Trautmann, as Grgic was held in Elversberg box slightly and fell. If the diplomatic option, which would have cooled the tempers have been at this time and a penalty the Solomon Islands, just to let play to continue because Grgic desöfteren theatrically fell slightly, the referee decided here to swallow, and yellow. That was the worst of all options, because now the game is now due to countless cigarette lighters, which flew on the space had to be interrupted. leave

Elversberg09 011

While many fans already had the stadium, the support was discontinued, and most no longer believe their eyes, was a part of the fence and destroyed the order of service to advanced. Loudspeaker announcements, which means a very poor sound system hacked and incomplete in the block arrived, the heated air of evil rather, as to de-escalate. Whether the folder now had fear of the guests attachment or if it's really calm was impossible to say no, at least, the Security Service acted on that date quite right and tried not using brute force voice heard and also took fans into the interior came to the side without using sticks or strokes.
was easy to wonder all those involved in the onset of darkness, then at some point, without the mood had calmed really. The sky turned blacker, while the presence of FCS was pitch black. The

fell 5-0 Will man after a long tee of the final Elvers Berger's Masic, defense and goalkeeper could provide ball striker. Fifteen minutes before the end Willmann succeeded by his third shot from distance hits that day and even from the block of Elvers Berger was at this time now to hear singing, while in the away section were horrified silence mixed with bullying against the referee. Too large, the frustration, the anger over whether referees, team or lighter launchers.
About nine clock time was one of the final whistle, the only whistle, with which all viewers agreed redeemed. Team and coaches were still on the block, and guests were encouraged, but the shock was all involved in his face.

Regardless of the presence of the referee, Trautmann anything but a good advertisement for the DFB represented what was due not only to the contentious decisions, but also its high-handed and slightly arrogant manner remains from FCS-term, the realization that one not yet arrived in the regional is. Keeper Muller lacks much of the serenity of an insurance marina. The defense was not a serious threat to man and Will Haas, whether on land or in the air. The midfield was uninspired, Zeitz tried tricky combinations to push forward, thoroughly what went wrong in the lethargy of its side people. Zimmerman acted in particularly the Standards far too stubborn. The storm did not occur.

This type of football is annoying and certainly not an effective means to survive to next Friday against strong Trier.

Thursday, August 6, 2009

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angry before including

There are people who talk about the highly anticipated showdown of the "new number one" against the "old number one." They celebrate in advance of a football festival in the "most beautiful stadium in Saarland" and promote "a new era for the traditional first FC Saarbrücken.
And all these people have one thing in common: they speak so unimaginative
is because they are not really fans of both teams. This really

in the broadest Defined as "Saar Derby" game could be designated in advance with some surprises negative, for the fans of the 1st FC Saarbrücken come up. First, the game quite inscrutable reasons, at the request of SV Elversberg was moved from the stadium at the Kaiser Linde to Neunkircher yard field stadium. With a seating map Topzuschlag costs 25 euros and proud that with a grandstand capacity of 2308 places (Neunkirchen) takes more money than one of nearly 500 seats (Elversberg), knows every primary school students. However, it would be better by the Elversberg the organization of a Regional match day at a Oberliga as copied from elementary school students, since otherwise also would have the following in mind:

- have been renamed since this game for the block names in Neunkirchen ado, some have already purchased tickets for Saarbrücken Block 2, Block 1 even though the actual score curve. To remedy this neglect, have to change the fans on site at an information stand their cards. Grandstand tickets are discounted Ledegem it on sale at the box office, so that as families have in advance the full price must be paid to secure a place for their children -
- should it come on site to intake delays, the whistle can be badly embarrassed by a few minutes back, as it is in no yard field floodlights There.

A final, particularly offensive is also still own the FCS Fans reserved. The "renovation" after DFB conditions also had a quite large fishing net in front of the curve, according Spieser, are located in the blue-black supporters. By having chosen a white net with mesh narrow, limited to the view even more than with the known Elversberg net.

As FCS fan you just must suffer if Saarland football will be spectacular.

expected from a sporting point of view the viewer a difficult game to be foreseen, since one on each side with some personnel changes, in contrast to this year's meeting Saarland Cup enters the race. Some key players such as Denny Herzig, Holger Lemke Nico Zimmermann, who went to the FCS, have left the Emperor Linde increased, one has at an age range of 20 to 27, the latest addition Nikolaos Nakas still has a fully fit. That was then, however, even the most notable transfer.

for the FCS rather than the newcomers speak the preparation, which had its ups and downs. With Velimir Grgic has committed to a storm tank which could fit well next to a Michael Petry, has also in recent friendlies increasingly recommended the new midfield axis of the two Nicos Zimmermann and white man. The attack could critical to the FCS game against the mostly low-lying Elvers are Berger, though there has been what two individual errors can cause if you do not break through the opposing defense.

Whether the new season begins with annoyances from FCS-view, or has in spite of harassment a lucky start, you will see tomorrow night.

sources and links:

- Saarbrücken Zeitung, 06.08.09 - Article "FCS fans are upset with the new addition to SVE SVE: Greek second division experienced Nakas follows former coach Vasic"
- preliminary FCS-HP
- preliminary SR-Online.de

Wednesday, August 5, 2009

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An anthem for the FCS

A fan meeting of the 1st FC Saarbrücken usually means a lively question and answer session, the duration of burners like the new stadium or the color blindness in the selection of annual goalkeeper and away jerseys, but there are also new things like an Internet television over the club announced. One of these new ideas that were presented at the meeting worthwhile, nutritional labeling analysis. could announce the project, the stadium announcer Frank Sokolov, yet it reveals little concrete, but can already tell you that one of another piece of music will be adopted in honor of the association.

A is anthem for the FCS, this is what is missing, according to Sokolov still a piece of music in which the scarves and the lighters " go into the air and what a "goose bumps" caused by those attending.
far, so great is the freedom that should have the fans on this matter, for this hymn, the SR 1 and our thing in the name of the 1st FC Saarbrücken will find to be searched in collaboration with those who ultimately stand in the stadium week after week. In the e-mail address stadionradio@fc-saarbruecken.de encourage interested FCS supporters accompany the creative process and influence and involvement of so the final result. It was still not clear when the completion of construction is what musical style you adopt, and which band is the task will be assigned to record the song in the studio.

The whole presents himself to be honorable. After the fans have had little say and delivered should bands like Schaafa Sämpf or The syndicate more mood songs for the weekly stadium visit as hymns, it is now consistently a different way, if you search a song with a completely different character.

Back to the fan meeting, because there was already the first, however, also called the central criticism of this model test: what will become of the old club song?
Frank Auer Falk answered the criticism with the fact that they wanted to push but not this traditional piece, in which also participated Dieter Thomas Heck, from the Ludwig Park, However, this song lacks the hymn-like character.

And that's true even almost.

For the real problem of the official club song " FF-FCS " is not about the schlager-like sound, it is the general use of the stadium visitors with the traditional songs of the association. Parallel to the discussion atmosphere, long before the schism in block D-Block and Virage Est already had to content, that young people in the curve too rarely take the initiative. This can be seen from the fact that when playing the club song in the little Fanblöcken, let alone the neutral blocks, hardly anyone the lines "We are available from the FCS / / Blue-Black Dress our ..." mitträgt. Whether it is a lack of Text note or whether it is the people are embarrassed to sing (and that would indeed be very embarrassing) one can say that severely. But the fact is that in Ludwig Park on the location where sung at other stages of the Republic with pride and awe, the mass was silent.

slightly different things with the empties Evergreen "We'll be back" that owns, in fact, this ballad-like quality character which, according to Sokolov makes a hymn. But actually he is not innocent because the younger fans that this song is almost unknown. For years they waited in vain that this song, which like no other the spirit of the 1 FC Saarbrücken and its fans has been captured and easily timeless, in the radio program of the stadium showed up. It was rather painful to bragging lyrics like "In the 2nd German League Champions" and caused quite the taste for Fannachwuchs either errors or the knee-jerk rejection of all Fansongversuche.

The model of the stadium project in cooperation with radio SR 1 and our conditions can only help the fans tolerate too well. In this case you should still make sure that you are waiting not only to feedback by e-mail, but also target the fans in the stadium and responds to them on the spot gives opportunities to participate in the determination of an anthem. This should be organized or unorganized supporters conceded in the same way, and finally to democratic Principles to be approved.
is completed until the whole thing, we could devote the existing things.

And do not forget to learn the text!