Monday, July 31, 2006

How Does Cm Look Before Your Perios?

It is to live gloriously

Bin before half an hour and look straight down from the window in my room in the garden. the sky is blue as far as I can see that the sun is high in the sky and the blades of grass blowing in the wind. It is a beautiful picture I get here in the morning.

go here sometimes on it and you invite the song "Life is beautiful" down! All the songs on this page are especially picures though. It's going to a fantastic musical called Line 1

clear is my life sucks and how often you can see in my comments here vorrigen often far from easy but sometimes I'm lookin 'just over this world. God's creation with the millions of plants, animals and the many many very different people amazes me.

right now I can just go down and eat something. Many people is a luxury not given. Something is very unfortunate and it motivates me more and more what to do about it. With God's help, which is already be done.

Will you realize how good it is sometimes then go fucking time passes quickly. Moreover, love is (and thus peace and joy, etc) the only thing that really changed. Hatred destroys forever.

Sunday, July 30, 2006

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lies and hypocrisy

Rev 21.8 is terrible but it endure those who denied me a coward and have rebelled against me, the murderers and adulterers, exercise all the occult practices and have created their gods and idols , the liars and cheaters. They will all be thrown into the lake of fire and brimstone. This is the second death, forever separated from God.

I have no desire to lie more and hypocrisy. Not out of fear of this position. I know that God has made me holy.

I do not want to live in this contradiction. I have to decide whether I want to please God or whether I want to please certain people. All the people that are meant to know now modest. I will not dwell on the problems that are on now and I know that my hate and my anger towards these people anything but good.

But I have not tired of things by halves. I can serve God or I can serve these idols that I've created themselves. I'm tired of living a double life as a Christian and as a linker. Either or.

I've decided for God. Far too often I was disappointed with my idols. Far too often I was the worship of "other gods" purely riding in the shit. I will give my life 100% God and no high-flown ideas more.

And I'll say it again. I want to love my enemy. I want the love of my skin in the face. And I will also love the Nazis. I want to love the child fucker. I want to love the murderer. I want to go out into the street and people look at that I accept and assume. I do not want me fucked up on a bus and looking extra NEN place of the most free. I do not want to be more bitter and hateful. I am looking for friendship. Adoption. Love. But if I'm not ready to give all that I can not expect to get it. God has so generously bestowed me with love. It borders on the worst self-centeredness that love not to pass on. I want to give love.

I hope it works somehow!

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"Gude mood Leude!" or "The stupidity of the people"

is spent fantastic and then, Gudden MOOD !!!!!!!!

jaja! What about the good old Helge Schneider us already says: "The world is a vale of tears, without music"

Well actually I wanted to write something about the stupid human race but now it is the music. Well in view of such musical Masterpieces such as this one 20Lu%%% 20Lu 20Lukas% 20Podolski my question is where is the big difference is there between what landsläufig music called is and what the stupid humanity so fabricated. Well!

music is kind ne very great thing. No matter what mood it is always a song that underscores the mood. And I think it was already done about everything music. Reinhard Mey think I was even a song written about his legs. I mean who interested thing? Well whatever music you should make themselves not only for others but for themselves and if the good Reinhard Mey his Chair legs are so important but it should also write songs about it. Yeah the music. I love music and that gives me enthusiasm for almost every musical range. And how is the ordinary for NEN music lover, I'm doing and I make music so maybe a star. Maybe not. But that is not matter to me because music is always important no matter whether with or without money in their pockets. To listen to my musical outpourings you a look at my great-My-Space account. want My Space accounts are very similar like Blogger because there are really only boys without attention and communicate well within the Emos of the world as they are sad. ONLY at myspace are still quite a lot, really great musicians in it with the My-Space hope someday to be stars. my myspace address is this: there you can listen to four of my great songs to register as a friend or just say how great I am. Or like shit. Depending on how you emfindet Sun Yes, yes it is that! I'm going down the same time and get me a drink. Iced tea. what is already fine. Maybe I'll write soon so what about my favorite drink. Cheers!

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love?? II - or an opinion of the other kind

My love I get from God, I try to pass. I try to love everyone regardless of their origin, ancestry, sex, age, social position, his property and (and I want to clearly stress), regardless of his sexual orientation. How far does it go?

Jesus calls us to not only our friends to love because the Gentiles do the same way. Jesus says we should love our enemies. can love our enemies means a son whose mother has been raped by a man of whom the father was killed and all his brothers and sisters in the most brutal way and whites have been dismembered in front of this man and he does not hate but is it just hurts what happens . This man and the boy's family. Enemies love means to me I love the people tend to tend to hurt people close to my heart. I some friends who were sexually abused in their youth. My love of enemies is that I deal with people that are still a pedophile. In my links, I refer to the Blogg of Zawarudo of its contents, I dissociate myself entirely clear.
Zawarudo is a person I have known for many years on the Internet. I would say he is a friend of mine who is very dear to my heart. I will offend him because of his sexual orientation never and will always be there for him when he needs me. I hold him and take him as he is, tell me if that does not fit but it will never attack a human being. He deserves my respect.
Trotzdessem I want to clearly distance itself from pedophilia. I am NOT pedophile and believe that sexual orientation for ill and need treatment. The acting out of sexual orientation, I think absolutely fundamentally wrong and I will never accept when grown men with children have sexual contact. Nevertheless, I will not hate the people who are persecuted and discriminated against. For a respectful treatment of all people.

your Micha

Saturday, July 29, 2006

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"My Block" with the track so love?? I want a little bit closer to light.

What is love? During the whole of humanity, this question is asked and every geological period, there were other answers. Is it possible to love at all recognized as something common? Is there "the" love? Is there love?
Almost everyone has dealt with these issues at least to piece parts.

I would love to start the topic with a passage from the Bible: 1 Kortinther 13, 4-7: 4 is

love patient and kind. It knows no jealousy, no selfishness, it does not brag and is not arrogant. 5 love is neither offensive nor concerned about themselves, not irritable or resentful. 6 it does not rejoice at wrong, but rejoices when truth wins. 7 This love bears all things, believes all things, hopes all things and endures all things.

This is an incredible statement. How often have you told someone you love? Certainly not for now. If you really love someone you should be able to this Bible, the word love is always replaced with "I":

4 I am patient and friendly. I know no jealousy, no selfishness, I do not boast and I'm not arrogant. 5 I am neither offensive nor considered myself, not irritable or resentful. 6 I am not the wrong, but I am happy when the truth wins. 7 I bear everything, do everything, hope everything and consider all things. No, I think something

I could never do.

To the negative feeling again to maintain;) here is a passage from the song "Love", "Os Mutantes"

There is no love in this world
it is a dream that we like
there is only a lie , greed and hatred
and many tears, thick and wet.

and yes I think they are right. I have experienced here on this earth has never been a love. From no. From my parents I was not so loved by my friends no, not my siblings. Really none. It is very sad and sobering. But I think that there is love. I think that there is love and that on this Rumgeficke, I-Have-You-Love-drivel and feigned friendship hinnaus.
The Bible speaks of love. And the Bible speaks of love not only as a feeling or a decision but she also says that there is love in person. The Bible says God is love.
Let us consider this point again in this aspect:

4 God is patient and kind. He knows no jealousy, no selfishness, he does not boast and is not arrogant. 5 God is neither offensive nor concerned about themselves, not irritable or resentful. 6 He does not rejoice at wrong, but rejoices when truth wins. 7 endure all this God, he believes all things, hopes all things, he holds and all stood.

Unbelievable! I believe in this God. Since I've known him, I finally felt loved. And God can love me by other people. This is so good!

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So here I am again already with my second entry on the day which I can annoy all again!

are guitars I find a great invention. A very fine instrument. You can use them anywhere, and take out any reasonably friendly and cool people will say you mostly for his respect. Guitars are a fantastic way to flirt at festivals. If you see someone with a guitar and a few attacks can happen to (a couple of really rich) and otherwise a very persuasive person are you can directly connect new people (if the owner of the guitar then also happened to hear from you to the favored gender, and quite coincidentally also looks good then this is even more wonderful). By writing a guitar can make you incredibly good attention. Someone of good guitar playing is in the public right to gather good maps ne small bunch of people to get around and then present a broad audience with his skills. Toll is also on guitar that you can accompany almost any music with it. Sure, the whole rock are things to take, yes, but also hip-hop and even techno things are possible to assist. The best part is that the songs which everyone can sing along with most everyone can play. Guitars are great. Buys you one and learn to play!

Lots Of Veins On Breast

Good morning!

I finally also managed in the wonderful world of blogging to penetrate Emos and small boys without attention!
Or actually human. Is not that strange? Everyone knows about the stupid joke, "men are gorgeous and women are stupid" but has perhaps the real reason NEN? Is it the deep-seated in the people oppressive, patriarchal, misogynist instincts which have so changed our language?
Well, yes it could really rooted in a sexist language have, but let's be Honestly, do remember but just so wish too!
quite apart from the time I'd appreciate if people would be totally töfte more human than glorious.
you Look at this world and in fact you should agree with me: Everywhere oppression, hatred, war violence. And so often just because some people consider better than what. These people find themselves beautifully. Why not more humanity? Well, you already noticed I am also an emotional boys without attention which I mentioned at the beginning of my entry. Those who go there to read is still a great guy. Well blogging on a happy. We'll see what the future!


your wild Micha