Monday, March 7, 2011

Invocation For Debutant

I have, alas, philosophy ...

minutes of a night-FAUST:

My written word, interspersed with comments.

19:08 clock - Ramona laughs. What a start ...
19:09 clock - First technical Fail, the remote control batteries vesagen again and I could not start the clock movie
19:13 - Start (endlich. ..)
19:20 clock - first compromise. Ramona: "So the first part I will look at each case, the second which I sleep." Since then should I be really made for long stretches at me.
19:34 clock - to what God and Mephistopheles bets actually, I have mine, still not a bet a bet?
19:50 clock - read along makes it possible. First error by Wagner!
19:50 clock - Mist who say hold fast, even the theatrical manager, ragout fist once, the word.
20:00 clock - error Faust, just before the end of his 7-page monologue.
time absent - Mephistopheles (Johann Adam Oest) plays the beggar, young Faust (Christian Nickel) the violin player, apparently there were 15 million are not saving enough for enough actor to be double cast ... 21:00
Clock - Time nothing happens ...
21:15 clock - Eritis sicut Deus, bonum et malum scient. What does that mean? Ah! The Google translator says, "You will be like God, knowing good and evil" Hmm, even makes sense.
22:18 clock - Nasty woman who, at the Mephistopheles (Here: Robert Hunger-Bühler) makes approached.
The scene "The neighbor's house" was generally, I will not say uncertain text, but here there was the most deviations from the original.

"Where does a little head sees no way out
He thinks before the end."
(nice, if just in between times is a quote without any context, but I found the set great, I will now probably bring more often!)

23:30 clock - both fists (Bruno Ganz and Christian Nickel)? Makes the "Walpurgis Night" really make sense? And if so, how?
Walpurgis Night dream? What is this now? Clock
0:08 - End of Part I, after almost exactly 5 hours!
coffee break.
0:20 Clock - Start Part II
shortly after 1:00 clock - "Spacious room. Funny stuff skip carnival. 13 pages omitted.
2:00 Clock - Half Time ...
2:30 clock - surrender. Demolition of "Classical Walpurgisnacht". But still not complete task. Pre jumps to 4 Nude "High Mountain" (CD number 3 skipped entirely)
3:37 clock - skipped 10 minutes of clapping.

"Gone! A stupid word."

clock 4:50 - End!

FAUST almost 10 hours to 5 hours to skip the bonus part, do not seen and I am only talking about me. Ramona has seen maybe 7 hours, and even to sleep 3 hours.
is so stupid, the word 'past' but then not. All day Sunday (even if I'm out of sheer sentiment jet lag, it would be Saturday) in unconscious thought Goet words. It was really bad, I could not think normally, always in these old, stilted sentences. My status message on Facebook after the action:

Stellet Considering the last days
cultural monotony
it is a question
what it was it then?

And that applies also quite appropriate . After FAUST I already twice I read three times and staged seen I know what to expect and what it was. Peter Stein production I've already seen on television a few years ago, were so high between some memories. The first part was simply staged and played really well, because you can not say anything. But the tragedy Second part (already seen on television at that time) is easy ... totally crazy! What happened there? What is this? Where suddenly come from the Emperor? Why Walpurgisnacht again? What do these three powers are those of the anti-emperor is defeated? What shall I say all this? Yes, the tragedy second part is weird. Nevertheless, I will read it now to an end (Ramona has indeed both parties bought and since with the first is not ready yet [I'm told they have to read him anymore, she has already seen him for five hours], it has given me a second to read), especially because the end but so beautiful and was really good (the Ramona, for example, not recovered).
am very end, during the final applause, there is again a scene that I found really nice. Robert Hunger-Bühler get a bouquet and give it a rose-Mephistopheles with his Johann Adam Oest. I found very sweet!

about the staging can be absolutely nothing bad to say. Peter Stein justified this mammoth production with the words "It is a masterpiece and a masterpiece not only can you look in parts. "and he is absolutely right. 15 hours but are awesome and normal people, the would never see the piece, but I found it has paid off completely. Also, maybe above all because of the actor. As you can remember only so much text? good which one has asked me to Nathan again and again, but what Bruno Ganz, but also Robert Hunger-Bühler, Johann Adam Oest, Christion nickel, actually everyone, including the emperor, Wagner, Gretchen, is real ... make the hammer.

great respect!

Oh, and one more can I say

"Here I stand, poor fool
and am wiser than I was before."

I now understand the final FAUST (at least the first part of the tragedy), so ...

Thursday, March 3, 2011

Wacht Free Operation Repo The Movie

are short, in long sentences

Where do I start?
Hm ... in reverse chronological order.

"Today is the greatest day I've ever known. Can not live for tomorrow, tomorrow's much too long."
Yes, I know it is the song about suicide, but in themselves these lines are very positive. And (perhaps it has come to you), English. And so it goes. For now, on this Thursday, 03/03/2011 I have my first (yes, really, I am sure again!) Written ONE (13 points!) In the last two years, written, or get out! And in English! PAH! Well, well, well, my little droogs. That's the second (very) good mark after the 12 points in maths to the perhaps I'll get a good mark in education and psychology, too. But actually I do not think so ...

from perfect English, we now come to a very large German, first of all I do now really official and cultural supports the school's own Poetry Slam mat, I can free myself from my French teacher, for she was of the opinion that such support something be. Secondly, I have
just me on the bed next to a (... four) DVD (s) are, with the imprint "directed by Peter Stein FAUST Johann Wolfgang Goethe". Yes, I have the mammoth production of Faust I and II, a total of 15 hours of pure playtime, all with Bruno as Faust and Robert Hunger-Bühler, Johann Adam Oest as Mephistopheles here!
with my irresistible charm of my, oh-so-beloved German teacher borrowed and made a weekend job of it! From Saturday afternoon through Sunday at some point be Ramona and I are (more or less) uninterrupted view FAUST.
goal of all this is not just cultural education but also an almost ironic combination of modern media and the cult classical German drama par excellence.
total of 814 minutes watching TV with bonus part "Faust" trial period ", coke, snacks, frozen pizza and
15 hours. I have this production but a few years ago once saw on the ZDFtheaterkanal and in the last week we looked at a few excerpts in German classes, but nevertheless (or perhaps precisely because of them) are simply not watch TV 15 hours ...
Maybe I run during which a video ... Book of Hours, or otherwise try to capture the human constant process of decay.

Last but not least, I would like to thank a little girl called Maria for a beautiful song: The Waltz

Oh, and I would think sometimes, oh so beloved German teacher ask where he has the DVD ago. So it really is that from the "ZDFtheaterkanal Edition ', because it may be that the two great plays" pornography "and" A Church of fear of the unknown in me, "finally ran the two sometimes even on TV indoors, either at 3Sat or when, oh so often mentioned ZDFtheaterkanal.

Saturday, February 26, 2011

Mysore Mallige 3gp Clip

it more than both of us.?

excerpt from a letter from me,
.. Yesterday we were in the theater Señor Linck, Dennis, Teresa, Rachel et moi "The Rise and Fall of the City of Mahagonny" by b.brecht @
Was very cool, by the Set and costumes ago. But, clearly, was Brecht, but still a lot of singing and theater to the main character in the first act of singing too softly, was probably because of the technology, but I found disturbing. And besides, I could not tell you even know exactly what is at stake in the play. Something found "paradise city", then chaos, then broke, then death. . And from time to time love "

" you go to the theater without me?
Oh I love a good drama! Who's got the idea? Mr. Linck?
heard already sad that so few of you have called. The youth stunted ... I 've's always said! But I wanted to hear none. The will you have it! Our next generation will wither and use never their brains, not interested in art or mathematics and one day, they all wrong doctorate, because they are too stupid to copy in their PhD work, the places so that nobody notices! "

It follows:.. Rainald Grebe - "Faust", with best regards to Ben

The Week:
Monday Seminatarbeitspräsentation 45 minutes I I I In between my teacher (above already. even mentioned ... yes, Brecht ...). I knew from past presentations, he will sooner or later to talk in between and I was prepared and sent its interim comments used as a distraction from its own theme. Thus, we have determined 10 - 15 minutes and I discussed was to convince him, among other things, that the failure ("People love failure and I fail so much"), both media and media-capable presence. Consider, for once in the afternoon program of RTL, only people who have failed or fail. Guttenberg, any celebrities with cancer, every celebrity separation, Breaking Bad ... Either we get served up, as can be the life or how it never should be. Then look us that we are reasonably satisfied but more quickly and zap!

Tuesday. English homework. Good feeling!

Wednesday. Thursday. University job. written Done. sent on Thursday.

Friday. Notice that all of my self-employment (term paper, application) have now been completed and realized that the IT is searching for new requests. ABOUT ME-with just the Spendierhosen and I would be happy if everything would go well.
Sometimes I do not understand myself ...
Sometimes all I care ...
Sometimes I just want out!

Monday, February 21, 2011

Chamomile And Valerian Root

Audio Book # 1 - Copy Man Mark Henry

long long time ago that I announced to you, sometimes for audio books to review. My first audio book was chosen and quickly too. Through the examination phase of the study, my review, however, has delayed further and further. And after I had completed all the exams, I found it more difficult to continue writing the review. So I've heard the audio book on a new identity and wants you to show off my first review J
What is it? - That says
"revenge can be so beautiful! Exploited, exploited, fooled: million former and current interns their employers would like to send to hell. Here comes a funny and absurd novel, which makes her dream come true.
Finally, end with depressive placements, is pleased Anton on his first real job at a research institute. Unfortunately, his future employers he has not yet set an unpaid trial period before the nose - and two direct competitors. Besides Thorsten was exactly that Sophia, with whom he has spent the last WG-party a great evening - until completely unsuccessful one-night stand. Over several weeks, Anton tormented by the most outrageous projects, but then the termination to get. When he learns by chance that Thor and Sophia went as well as his decision: Revenge is sweet! Together with Thorsten, Sophia and other like-minded people, he developed a perfidious plan to his last company is a clear to once and for all, that the dignity of the trainee is inviolable. "

The author?
Markus Henrik were born in 1982 and belongs to a generation of self-training, around which it revolves in his book "Copy Man". Mark Henry became known after he published his 2007 song "Red" as a video on Youtube. A short time later, His second song, "Payday", which made it to the playlists of more than 60 radio stations. Markus Henrik denounces in his songs and videos in small action ("Shopping 2017") to the machinations of politics and the economy. In the spring of 2010 he published the book on the same topic "Copy Man".

The speaker?
Mark Henry did not miss to take to read the audio book itself. This was not as usual in a recording studio, but to perform in his own kitchen or, for example, in the shower to the sound effects realistic. The entire Audio book is unique in what I'm in my own opinion would like to discuss in more detail.

My opinion
I of this audio book for the start of my audio book reviews have selected because it is tailored to my current situation.
I stand with my studies, just before the master thesis and I must make already worried that I then get a job. Trained I am, then you might even master in his pocket and I am not suitable. "Not enough experience" is so common in the rejection letter, if not just from the typical AGG-phrases are exercised.
The protagonist Anton is in the book of Mark Henry face the same obstacles as I did, but he is already on active job search and is believed to have arrived at your destination with the promise of the market research institute.
The narrative of the book is slightly loose and trickles merrily to himself. The story is from the perspective of the protagonist Anton Kiewicz in the telling first-person form. By a young and sometimes a bit rude language, and the peculiar way to read the audio book, it succeeds Markus Henrik the audio book to present very authentic. It seems as Anton would even the listeners, the book aloud during breakfast in the WG. Thus, the audio book for example, starts with the fact that Mark Henry on the phone with a full mouth and the listener will notice, as he told his party that he now read the audio book, since the production company had no money left for a studio. As another example: During a Kloganges of the protagonist, it rings as if he would actually go to the toilet (vlt he has also ...). So much to give, you only a small impression of what ye under the peculiar way have to understand the audiobook. For me, this kind of audio book from scratch and initially I was a little unsure whether I will like it or not. In retrospect I can say that it absolutely fits the story and that Mark Henry gives the book authenticity. As already mentioned, the narrative of the book very young and fresh. I would describe the writing and the story not as a milestone in the literature. As a book I would have completely read probably either on a rainy Sunday or immediately put aside. The story is relatively flat, though lively and cheerful says. But through the rather detailed description of the book (see above;)) I was the course of history in the first half, if not the first 2 / 3 of the book very clearly. I waited as listeners only that the points from the description passed at last, and could take up the story right away. However, the much heralded revenge from the description was to my mind too fast and too shallow told. Since the first half of the book was really exciting when you already knew long ago what will happen because you had read the description.
On the whole, the audio book was very entertaining and a special listening pleasure, as Mark Henry has done the reading really good job. At the second half of the story in my opinion could be filed after a bit, but particularly in view of the fact that this was the first book by Mr. Mark, I evaluate not as bad as the J
What I liked about the book is particularly good, critical look at the machinations of the economy. Mark Henry protested against the book with the usual methods now all divisions with poor, if not do not even occupy paid interns. My concerns to find a job after graduation, have not indeed to the audio book just reduced, but I will now certainly give more attention to the fact that happened to me not the same as the protagonist Anton Kiewicz.

Title: Copy Man - A Novel interns
Author / Speaker: Markus Henrik
Price: 12,95 € at
Length: 3:44 unabridged

Did you like my first review? What could I do better for the next?

Sunday, February 20, 2011

Can You Take Ibuprofen With Sulfamethoxazole Tmp


In Lu and some other blogs I recently saw that day on his own fragrance collection. I love perfume and am only really comfortable when I leave the house if I wear a perfume. I forget the morning but often enough but I feel really comfortable with just:)
The picture was taken a while ago when I built up my chest and my beautiful treasures still presented to her shone. Meanwhile, it looks a bit chaotic out again xD

from left to right:

Chloé - Chloé
This is the only perfume that I myself I bought and it is my absolute favorite everyday fragrance. Wonderfully soft and floral (rose). Missing from the bottle is not much as you can see (now are 2-3mm more ^ ^) which comes from the fact that one should use the perfume is very concerned. If you take too much you can smell through the flowered fabric softener quickly xD (I was even asked if I softener use ... but if it is used only tender, then it is a beautiful soft floral fragrance ♥). I am not familiar with the different levels of fragrance of a perfume, which I know is that in much of this fragrance of roses and other floral scents there.
Before I had my way, sure that the perfume I really should buy, I have appointed eight Pröbchen used up ^ ^ I ordered on Ebay eventually a huge bottle for the price of a little in common drugstores. Meanwhile, I do know that these bottles are tests that must be purchased by the field staff of the perfume business from their budget by the Pharmacies to provide. So it is not ethically correct to really sell this tester, or to buy. However, I knew that was not before my purchase.

Hypnose - Lancome
This fragrance is certainly not one who everyone likes. He is described by Lancome as a hymn to the floral lightness of being. However, I find this description more fitting for the previous Chloé fragrance;) The floral senses of hypnosis I would not deny. However, this scent is much more concise and heavier than Chloe. By the contained patchouli gets the fragrance a woody note. However, it also contains a certain sweetness I would attribute to vanilla

Lily Sweet -. Ulric de Varens
This Eau de Toilette I have to my 18th Birthday (2004:-o) get a gift from a friend. I was very skeptical and I would have never purchased:) However, it goes perfectly with my own smell, as I was well confirmed by several people ^ ^ It is sweet, but not vanilligsüß senses such as hypnosis or flowery like Chloe but with a sour Note. Very difficult to describe: D However, there is the perfume that I know of no longer even buy ^ ^ Ulric de Varens is known through their mini-perfumes in our drugstores

True Religion -. True Religion
Perfume sure most of you know. It came out just last spring and there is a men's and women's fragrance. True religion is far more famous by Jean fashion. The fragrance then went through many blogs and Youtube. I went then sniff at Douglas and I felt immediately in love. He is fresh and fruity and has this so a great bottle! I let him give me a birthday present. However, I do myself with the scent a little heavy. He is really wonderful, but not quite fit it to me ... I believe this is due to the musk in the rear.

Nature - Yves Rocher
(hidden behind True Religion ^ ^) This perfume has given me my "mother" because she knew I love perfume and because she has got free with an order to :) I am very happy about it, because it is a fresh natural scent of the beautiful can be worn in everyday life. It's like True Religion fresh, natural and not at all intrusive, but with a slightly sweet note as the true religion, and without that undertone remaining back on the lead I musk.

Glow - J. Lo
The perfume is next to Sweet Lily one of my oldest (not the bottle but the scent ^ ^). For many years I have worn this fragrance and I almost had him give me time and again. That should at least my 3rd his bottle :-) The scent is (obviously a scheme in my fragrances? ^ ^) floral fruity and he absolutely does not have the sweetness of hypnosis sense. He is fresh and fruity (human descriptions of these scents are complicated because they all sound the same ^ ^). Again, include: Rose;)

Magnifique - Lancôme
This is already my 2nd Bottle of this Fragrant and peculiar way since I'm not at all convinced. In the first bottle I was bathing a real and complete it in less than a year used up: D Then I got this 2nd Bottle gift and everything changed. The top note (so it is this first noticeable smell it?) Is glorious. Floral, slightly sour and spicy yet ^ ^ as far as I know are mentioned including saffron, rose petals and Nargamotâ (whatever that is ^ ^). I'm not sure and find no evidence, however, I think I have read that the release of the fragrance in 2008 a slightly different composition of the sub-grade was as short time later. On my second Bottle like I smell the first still incredibly good. The undertone, however not at all and this keeps the whole day. However, this is exactly the tone was what I liked the first bottle of Sun One could smell the whole day even as the morning. So I think it was very easy to start different composition (and my 2nd bottle of this first composition is). If I correctly interpret the scent is musky undertone of the second bottle of this I do not like and it was not my first bottle. Since I got him a gift from a friend who has professional contact with drug stores, this can also be real. A pity, because I hardly use it so I though the first bottle I so loved.

Why Is My Dog Throwing Up Out Of Nowhere

again Sunday # 8

How To Do A Weave Bang

Friday Filler # 7

I would like you to make a brilliant competition at " In love with two guys 'attention. It can win a huge prize: And even a consolation prize of the already great enough, a grand prize to be:) 1x Lipstick by MAC (from the standard range) 1x Powder Blush MAC (also from the standard range) Zoeva 1x Eyeshadow Palette consolation prize: double ring in the form of sparrows HotHoops (nickel-free, adjustable & new)

Friday, February 18, 2011

Jack Cruise Gay Telanjang Bulat


The last time I've published two posts in one day, died Schlingensief. But go now, not Schlingensief, but about self-representation (the antithesis of Kenner), 5 hours ago I got sent the following message:

'Thank you for your interest in our Abi-Blog !

We did not consider your application - for the many interesting candidates, we had to consider numerous criteria simultaneously: We have searched high school graduates from all corners of Bavaria, as the different interests are intended to cover and yet fit together as a group.

your point of view should nevertheless be represented in the blog: We would be pleased if you would participate regularly as a commentator "

I am now at the superior, I mean. well if they do not feel that I am in a "group" fit, then I see as a pathological complainer that as a compliment. If they say I'm not interesting enough, demotivated me, of course, but good that is a subjective viewpoint. BUT if they say candidates' possible different interests cover ", I find myself wondering, seriously, how many FOS students (not high school!), how many film school candidates (BWL students!), how many amateur photographers (not adjusted Playmobil player!) and how many experienced bloggers (not Emogedicht Schreiber !!!!) for your nice this year to the dual school year are exposed to come from Swabia and joined this project ?!?!?! When I have had the Skype interview was talk of a total of 25 interviews, of which 10 today confronted with good news!

15 small would-BR-school bloggers now go drink frustrating evening!

Ski Doo 470 Fuel Pump Problem

fats, little Bumblebee!

Well, it's been a while, but a man gotta do what a man gotta Thurs If you say so? Or is it just "Bingo!"?

Well, actually I thought that report to the BR this week, so I've held back post, but since they can be a bit longer time, I am going ahead and no results in this field with the non-verbal begin self-therapy.

witness: Yes, anything with ... not so bad as expected but still not satisfactory and therefore more engagement, more or less for the second and final in my half year of life, even if it is difficult, as motivation once again in the basement, but against my hopes slight tinge of depression.

Yesterday I heard in the BR, that young, creative writers! Juhu!

Where did I actually back my certificate? That should still be here or is it below? Hm? Oh yes, definitely I have a section of 2.63333333333 three three three three three three three and so on ... and I'm me, at least not worsened since the 12th-year report Class. Amazing how the self-imposed target of no 3 in the witness and thus an average of at least 2.0 is long. Of 10 marks (total), three 3s and two 4 (in PP, although I orally 13 points 'm just writing shit I regularly hold a bit and bio) here. The other five are all grades of 2, so no one, not even in religion or in the other subjects which have always been so-called, were "ones guarantors. Oh, there is even a testimony.

Alright, that once an objective forecast for the second half:
The 12 points in religion, I certainly can greet them by diligently mucilages (The Relilehrer am always waving in the corridor, and finally, he gave us from the hour [almost private] from a friend telling that has participated in the "pot hunter", and I also know his BMI [18, something]) and a good grade in the second Short time to get a 1 (ie 13 points it should have).
With 10 points in German, I'm happy, what does it matter that I had never been in German 10 points, what does it matter that I previously had dyslexia, but this year I'm good because I was just my teacher loves (and I, too, somehow). But 11 points are still inside, especially when I get back orally 15 Points! Also
10 points in English, because I has attended better, which surprised me, since I am one of the best in English so far. So, press the little-school work does not, and never slacken (Chacka! motivation and so on!)
History / Social Studies: 11 points. Yes, perfect! Although I was getting started in social studies, as we talked about the political system the only one who has been through. No matter fit already!
Math: 8 points. Pah! I was so bad at math than ever! As one can only hope the second homework is better and tomorrow I write in the exes once more than 5 points ... Dirt, which is really better! At least 10 in the annual report!
Chemistry: Organic and 9 points: 6 points. If everything is dependent and difficult because the teacher can still be as teddy bear-like, I do not care! At least 6 points in the Bio I want to get away!
education and psychology, this subject whores! 6 points! How can a trade only thematically be so exciting (I mean, I have 13 points verbally, that is really interested in it and I work with too!), but then on the other side so immensely challenging, with such a high expectation horizon! That bugs me! I can so, I just do not know what our teacher always asked of us to write down what we do and what not! And then I just basically write the wrong thing ... or too little of the right one!
economists: 11 points. That I spent many years with my time management (-wasted) did, that's pretty bad. But well, maybe 12 points, enough for me.
And to close: computer science (Ah, so the subject is so ...) with 8 points. Since I was after the first explosion even better ... Hm ... So this is actually so a "one expert guarantor" or at least a 2 I should have been completed.

With the expected notes from above I would have an average of 2.23333333 dreidreidreidreiblahblahdreidreidrei, missed three 3 in the testimony, the primary goal, but would still be happy with myself and would nod congratulating me in the mirror.

Always this saublöde harmony at the end!

Tuesday, February 15, 2011

Wrestling Outfits Wwe

Well I was not really the right starting material for the Orient (blue eyes, light skin, freckles * g *) but I added the last participation in Project makeup was really fun and I have tried again this time. I have a bit of experimenting and this is the outcome::) (Note flood of images * hehe *).

What Size Ceramic Tile Trowel To Use

wow still such a great competition. Since I would like to attend:) The blog
Carpe Diem
is still quite young. You can check it once so watch if you like:)
Thank you for the great contest and good luck to all participants:) where you come to the contest: CLICK

Difference Bachelor Of Science In Interior Design

I wonder where
I wish only participants good luck and thanks to

Sunday, February 13, 2011

Indian Reception Hair Do

6th Each entry received will count as participation

to the dam-man shop is found here:

Mdx Acura Running Boards

showed us on their blog their personal No. 1 hit. Not about what they find best, but what was on her birthday the No. 1 hit in Germany. Small Suja was glad "au indeed the times I look for '. In my search came the disappointment ... it was nothing new for me, I just forgot that I have ever looked for it:-D The song is ... very funny;)
What was your No. 1 hit?

Saturday, February 12, 2011

Friday, February 11, 2011

Is It Hurt Remove Merena

Hi, I have recently spent some money and wanted to show you the things yet:)
I was not really looking for something specific discovered, then but at reduced Catrice many great product and I have to beat. Catrice All products have cost only 1.45 €. That's why I had to get a back-up for the Catrice "gentle nude" lipstick (center) buy (all the lipsticks were reduced and will appear in this form from the range). Now he is waiting in the fridge on its use. My first gentle nude is not just more full ... ;) Due to the good price I took me yet another second For a "soft coral" (rear) I've admired for many, and 'burgundy' since I have not had such a color. However, the latter was probably a little bad buy because he has a strong blue cast that I do not in the business is noticed.
The powder has the color 110 light beige. Since my Manhattan powder that I love so much and always buy more soon runs out, I thought that it would not be a substitute for nachzukaufen immediately and more than double than for the powder Catrice to pay ^ ^ Well and paint ... a top coat, I could always use and the "Poison me, poison you" I noticed so many times and to me he was far too expensive. Now he was reduced, and since I could not say more No;)

was on the way back, I still stop by Tedi and I have a set with rhinestones for nail designs discovered that I so far there have never found have. In this were all different colored small round stones and a few elongated. So far I only knew the stones in the form of hearts, leaves, and god knows what all. These round stones, I always wanted to have in order to decorate sometimes unique 'looks:) This gold and silver foil I wanted to tinker and maybe use it for looks:) Now for the next purchase in Hannover) There, I arranged with my mother and was still afternoon in the city of Douglas a voucher left over from Christmas was to spend. Since I had half an hour to our meeting, I went for a "short" Kiko and was) jumped to an easy-so 2 eye shadow in my basket and the other two lipsticks I do not go over, read a bit of money there. The lipsticks were all reduced to 3 €, so I looked closer there. This will then become two (one for 3 € and the other for regular € 2.50) left: No. 68 for 2,50 € and the right. No. 399 for 3 € left: No. 139, right: 102 the No. 139 is a little more salmon as it does here on the Swatch. After I met with my mother, she went to the city of Douglas. I always wanted to look at the Cindy lipstick. And yes believe it or not, I still have a bought lipstick:) I'm just a lipstick fanatic! I was only a little torn out and see if it really is to be Cindy vlt or something else. But I love to wear this everyday red color so it was not a bad buy and I also think of a good cause behind it is very beautiful. There is still a small remnant exists on my voucher, I've even taken a new art deco Eyeshadowbase, as my be in the foreseeable future draws to a close (I come from daily use ~ 3 / 4 of the year with a back). As it was an eye shadow Gimmik for free. Here are just a color was available. This is very "shimmrig" and sure as highlighter used ^ ^ That's still not:) have a few weeks ago and I ordered from Claudi cosmetics-skincare . Claudi has now sent me my things and I just got it this morning:) These are my first Mac products from Powder Blush and especially when I am very excited by the pigmentation. Both colors are exactly as I had imagined (Swatches Thank ^ ^) left: Henna and the right. Sunbasque And because she was so fond of me the whole packet has Claudi still packed with great things and I ♥ no longer allowed to complain because so much was so I just say: Thank you! That's it then as well:) Nothing else should I not buy in the near future. Next, I'll buy in March, the new Essence mascara (I love the multi-action so much and am looking forward to the new variant of it ^ ^). Otherwise, I need it now * g * nix Oh, and because the post long enough anyway and most probably have scrolled to the pictures (haha evil insinuations ^ ^), is still a FOTD with the Mac Blush and Eyeshadow (of course today had to be tried).

swatches of the lipsticks have I other time subsequent filing. In particular, the number 68 by Kiko poses for photographs damn hard;)

Thursday, February 10, 2011

How To Tie A Snowboard Bandanna


Well, that probably would have removed all doubt. I can see! I'm able to see. My eyes are not the problem, why the films are in school are so blurred.
To me, from the forthcoming tomorrow Math homework to distract and to the actual intention as to get a cool emo glasses, I've just done an eye test, because I really believe, I would look bad.
I do not understand what the Path should be the house, so during my last eye test 30 years ago, I had to say whether (in the earlier case), the balloon is sharper or less sharp, but now look, I just had the dirt road and blink or you do not!
And the letters I could read it all, but I'm always the first line read, if I read the same third party, but the evidence of stupidity rather than from impaired vision.
But before the vision test to a man talk involved with me has to whether the first letter is in the 1.5 line, O or D (he said Oh, I D), he has me with the words: "Sagsch the next time your teacher he is, the films g'scheid clean dismissed. "
Conclusion: My chronic low vision is probably light (Is it any wonder in our high-tech school?) And no eyes Due!

Then I may not oppose the nice lady from BR tomorrow afternoon with glasses when we meet for early lichen Skype interview concerning the ABI blog! Woohoo! (Oh, I just say that out loud ...)

Wednesday, February 9, 2011

Is It Legal To Buy Bb Pellets

Chicken has how strong the wind whistled yesterday not in the picture since been discarded). Smells a bit like sea buckthorn is, natural cosmetics and hair feel great.
♥ Adidas Action 3 deodorant spray control. My favorite deodorant, as it has throughout the day. For me the best and always will be bought later.

: ♥ Astor 16h Mattitude HD makeup in 001 ♥ Mahattan SoftCompact matt powder 1 Naturelle
♥ ♥ P2 P2 concealer 010
Sun Blush love summer love ♥ Kiko
Blush 103

: ♥ ♥ Artdeco Eyeshadowbase Essence Metallic LE - Nothin else metal Quattro (the lightest and darkest color)

: ♥ ♥ NYX Apollo
Catrice Indian brown
♥ MAC Toxic Tale (LE)
♥ Lindesa lip balm (Thanks to Bapho for it. He's really great)

: A short chain ♥
with black cloth collar. I love the trailer. The chain I from my mother "inherited".
♥ butterfly earrings which I made myself.
♥ my new beloved paddle brush. I've never had a better

♥ P2 Perfect Face Make Up Fixing Spray
♥ P2 nail hardener

Sunday, February 6, 2011

Usb Connect Ps3 To Wireless Network

I have an award given * happy * Today I'll even sometimes with a * g * I hereby apologize to all those whose award I have forgotten. I appreciated it very well and move the answer to most of the back, because I do not always know who I want to tag it on;) And at some point have I " forget it or it is already far too long. (I'm not really an unfaithful soul I'm sorry

But today I would like to participate, and for the reason that the task is to this day, first of 7 things! to tell about me (not so easy ...) and continue (and this is crucial for me) 15! blog recommended that the blog is still very new, not many readers who have or whose blog I only discovered new . And did I think it's great for thus also get such attention blogs that are very young and fresh and be accommodated with love

7 things about me!. first Up to 1 year I have never worn foundation or other make-up. Powder and concealer have been enough for me completely. Today I'm hardly without foundation from the house ... good or bad? I do not know yet ^ ^
second I am a terrible Chaotin and not make it easy to keep order. How do you do it all?
third If I have made as a teenager or something supposedly had committed "serious" error, these fired so strongly in me that I forgot it and can not automatically assume that the other person can just forget little like me. Although I now actually know it was mostly anything bad. 4th I am a total DIY freak and trying everything possible to make yourself. My problem is just that I have viiiiiel too little space. I would need a huge table just for my craft stuff. This is a dream for a new apartment later \u0026lt;3
5th Speaking of dreams ... I am convinced that every dream is in some truth. Therefore, I write down as many dreams as possible. And if there are only keywords. Because when I read the words again, then me the pictures of the dream comes again in the head in remembrance.
6th I'm a total child's head. Once there is something to drinrummalen, I must have it. From coloring books, I am indeed now away, but right now I love those books in which the outlines are drawn from figures on which you can design your own clothes ♥ ♥ ♥ Childish but toooooll!
7th I eat french fries with vinegar and mayo best. And now I want 15!! Blog name, the blog is still new, have not many readers and I have discovered only recently. At least now I interpret the times: to join)
All blogs which I call here you will not be tagged because I would not necessary if you do not like. However, "confer"'m giving you the Versatile Blog Award * g *
lovely blog with lots of to few readers * g * Bapho
Teefan85 Blend Narrow Funkel (photo blog of Dunkelgefunkel)
(at least a few readers to GFC ^ ^)
Ulka Spůlka Mrs. Kontroletti
glossy world HisJessi
Fluorescent yellow drizzle
amiable macciesgossip deep black girl kate-alphabet soup